Gaming Ballistic
18 days ago

Project Update: Warlock Knight is LIVE!

Thanks for joining the Crowdfunding campaign for Warlock Knight!

Warlock Knight is David Pulver's sixth solo adventure with Gaming Ballistic, and the first set in the Sedra campaign setting that is suitable for brand-spankin' new characters. It's more of a sandbox campaign than some of the others, which makes for a great way for a new GM and player(s) to get used to The Fantasy Trip and kick off a new set of adventures.

A few quick words!

First, do note this campaign is fairly short. It only runs from today through Friday, June 28.

The funding level is only $1,000. Almost all the work is done, save for finalizing artwork, but all the artwork is in progress and already commissioned. This book is going to happen. If you miss the "formal" campaign, there will be late pledges (and no price changes) from mid-July through whenever the physical goods get ordered.

Finally, I am very pleased to point out that SJGames has given me the go-ahead to offer The Fantasy Trip Bestiary and a limited number of Old School Monsters physical product in both digital and physical format. These "books" also contain double-size monster cards and counter sets. There are only a limited number of Old School Monsters books available (only 35), and they're currently tied to the "Give Me Everything" pledge level because that's the only way I can control quantity. Any left unclaimed will appear as add-ons during the pledge manager post-campaign phase. There are no limits on TFT Bestiary or Book of Unlife.

With that ... thanks again for joining! Please spread and share the campaign where you can. Every bit of boosting helps more than you might think!





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