Iris Cassandra Saintclaire
10 days ago

Project Update: Announcing... the Bleeding Heart Community Drive!

Hey, everybody! Nora has been busy behind the scenes organizing with Pocketopia and our stretch goal collaborators, so I'm here to update you this time.

Once again, thank you to everyone who tuned into the second Pocketopia Showcase Stream - even though we ourselves didn't present Despair Dilemma today, there were still plenty of promising projects (with an emphasis on card and board games) from talented game designers worth your time to check out!

Now... to business! As we grow closer and closer to the project's launch time, we'd like to announce an early incentive to support Despair Dilemma; the Bleeding Heart Community Drive!

We're fully aware of how frustrating it can be to be barred from media by monetary gates. For this reason, we want to make Despair Dilemma accessible to those without the ability to spend on TTRPGs and crowdfunding campaigns! For this reason, every single backer within the first 48 hours of our BackerKit campaign will add one copy of Despair Dilemma to the Community Pool, accessible to pick up for free by those in need! Further community copies are also available as add-ons to your pledge if you're feeling particularly charitable, too.

There's less than two weeks until Despair Dilemma properly launches - we're very happy with the game's current state, and we can't wait to see what kind of tales and tragedies everyone crafts with the full book! Until then, ciao!





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