Pledge Levels
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Immaculate Death Game Tier ($50USD)
136 Backers
A copy of the exclusive Despair Dilemma Playing Card Deck and all previous rewards. Look at me up there~ Aren't I cuuute?
Includes 5 items
×1Death Game Playing Card Deck
×1Hardcover Book
×1Digital PDF
×1Prototype PDF
×1Your Name in the Book
Physical Death Game Tier ($35USD)
81 Backers
A copy of the physical Despair Dilemma Hardcover alongside all previous rewards. What a beautiful story to read to your kids before they go to sleep~ Pyuhuhu!
Includes 4 items
×1Hardcover Book
×1Digital PDF
×1Prototype PDF
×1Your Name in the Book
Digital Death Game Tier ($15USD)
107 Backers
PDF copies of the Prototype and Final version, Your Name in the Book, and any Stretch Goals. The best way to start killin' on a budget~!
Includes 3 items
×1Digital PDF
×1Prototype PDF
×1Your Name in the Book
"Friends" of Usashi Tier ($100USD)
0 remaining
Design an original character or add yourself as a Premade Character to Despair Dilemma, alongside all previous rewards. I hope the Death Game is fun~! Pyuhuhu~!!
Includes 6 items
×1Custom Premade Character
×1Death Game Playing Card Deck
×1Hardcover Book
×1Digital PDF
×1Prototype PDF