Hello everyone! It has been a solid amount of time since the project ended and we have finally had a good amount of time to get hard at work.
I am pleased to say that playtests have been opened to Members of our Discord and Playtesting for Alpha Version 0.5 is officially underway as of this moment, this means that once feedback starts filtering in I can make more edits, changes and tweaks.
What does this mean for you?
With each round I aim to pick between 10 - 25 people so once atleast half of this current round have provided actionable feedback I will start Round #2 and so on until this game reaches Beta stage.
At that point I will make a Beta Version available to all backers which will get updated into an eventual final release.
The only variations between Beta and Final Release will be errata and the inclusion of more artwork as it gets completed since the final version will also be the print ready version of the game.
I think this is a good balance since I can officially start fulfilment of the digital versions while giving you all a chance to play without being stuck on the outside looking in.
We are currently in Pre-production stage of the title, which means printing/samples of the book itself are not being made but we are discussing print options, approaching quality tests via our manufacturer. As we mentioned before, the Tarot Deck is currently still in production and until all 82 cards are finished we cannot go into full scale printing. (This is why we turned to crowdfunding :D)
The book also relies on the cards as there are areas of the game that utilize the cards for gameplay examples and rule clarification.
The good news is that our artists are hard at work getting through the cards as quickly as possible.
Here is a look at one of the professors at the college and also the Coven Leader for the Vodalsya - Mistress Marblebrook
We are hoping to have more significant updates as we go but in the interest of communication we will do monthly updates regardless of how much information we can share.
If you haven't joined yet, the discord is where you will get up-to-date information directly and be able to take part in the playtesting of our titles!