Tim Roberts
3 months ago

Project Update: Surveys and Late Pledge closing date.

Hey there,

So, I caught up with Simon last week and we have begun work on getting things into production. Sometime in January, I will firm those dates up and give you a more accurate timeline of when to expect things.

In the meantime, here are a couple of bits of news.

First up, the late pledge window will close on the 8th of December. This is so we can get final numbers in for production. If you are looking to get a pledge in, please do so before then. Your pledge will count towards our stretch goals (we are just over £200 away from printed edges!).

You can late pledge here.

If you aren't in a position to late pledge, don't worry. We will put Wires in The Woods on general release in the early summer of 2025. 

Those of you who have all ready backed will be happy to know that BackerKit are conducting their final reviews of our post-campaign information and we should be good to start sending out surveys in the next few days.

The initial surveys will be done as a smoke test to a small, random selection of backers. This is just to check that everything is working okay. Once we are happy that there were no issues with original surveys, we will send out the remaining ones (this should be around 24 to 48 hours after the smoke test).

In the surveys you can add your shipping info and pick up any extras / add-ons that you missed during the campaign.

The surveys will remain open until a few weeks before fulfilment, and we will give you plenty of reminders to ensure you have chance to update your address in case you have moved.

That's all for now, if you have any questions, please do add them in the comments and I will get reply ASAP.

Take care,

Tim (& Simon)

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