Creature Curation
3 months ago

Project Update: Original Art Available // Alchemy VTT // New Friends

Hello Legionnaires! 

We have less than two weeks left, and it's time to build some momentum! Be sure to share this project to help strengthen OUR LEGION! 

Here's what's in this update:

  • Original Art Pledge Levels Added
  • Custom Character/Creature Art Add-on
  • Alchemy VTT Announcement
  • Grimm Friends

3 New, One Off Pledge Levels

That's right Legionnaires, I have added three new pledge levels with original sculptures I created for the game!!! Like I said, these are one-of-a-kind so don't sleep on this.

Available from left to right:
Yerdamen (from my monthly Patreon release, will debut in the future)
Grimm head (seen on the cover and interior of A Grimm Outlook)
Stroquito Vanquisher (from my monthly Patreon release, will debut in the future)

If you want to make one of these sculptures yours, go to the pledge page and change your pledge to the sculpture. All of the other pledge levels can be added to your pledge as an add-on. So if you wanted the Grimm and you had pledged for 3 books, you would change your pledge to Original Sculpt – The Grimm and then select 3 Books in the add-ons.

Custom Character/Creature Art Add-on

To help push us to the next stretch goal, I have added an add-on where I will create character art or creature art for one of your ideas!

You will get the full body image, one with a background, and the token art. There's even a chance I may use it in an upcoming publication! You know you want this! All you have to do is go to add-ons and bump up that pledge!

Alchemy Now Included!

If you've had your eyes glued to this campaign, you may have noticed that I quietly added Alchemy to the pledge levels late last week.

I've been using Alchemy for my recent online games and have been thoroughly enjoying how immersive it is! Now the new books will be included with your pledge for either the physical or digital versions of the new expansion books!

Grimm Friends

As I mentioned in the previous updates, one of my favorite things about this hobby/community is the friends you make sitting around playing make-believe and creating your own shared myths. A bunch of my friends are creating incredible things to fuel your adventures and I want to make sure you know they have them going on!

The folks over at MAD BORG just launched this crazy concept on creating a variety of threats to put into your game. Since it is compatible with all those BORGs, I'm sure there would be plenty of creatures to throw into your Vast Grimm games. Check it out here.

I met Dillon of Critical Crafting back in 2019 at Origins Game Fair, where they interviewed me about my Revilo setting. Fast forward to now, and Critical Crafting just launched their own project on Kickstarter. Check it out here.
You've made it to the end of the update!

Let me know what you think of the add-on and original sculpt in the comments below.

And be sure to join your fellow LEGIONNAIRES in the discord

Thank you for being a part of this!
–– Brian
user avatar image for Creature Curation




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