Creature Curation
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Legion Log Update 07.25.24

Hello trusty Legionnaires!

Yesterday was an exciting day. I thought my printer was bringing the book proofs with them to Gen Con. Instead, they arrived a week early, and directly to my door!

They look fantastic! They go so well with my last three Vast Grimm expansion books.

Backers get an exclusive look at them before Gen Con... everyone else will have to wait to see them in person there, or after the show when I release the video. Backers, check down in the Backers Only content!

I have a few minor updates that I am going to send over for a revised digital proof. Barring any hiccups, I should be able to approve these to go to print next week!!!

What’s Next

  • After approving the digital proofs I will share an updated timeline for fulfillment
  • I'll finish out the pledge manager and launch that mid-August
  • Patches will be ordered
  • PDFs will be sent out mid/late August. I need to export these and make sure to add all the links.
  • Digital assets will be created and sent mid/late August
  • I’ll work on the Digital Character/Creature Creation that backers pledged for late September
  • Backer Train adventures will be worked on September/October
  • Guest Adventures will be worked on September/October
  • Updated Character Generator will be added September/October

Gen Con next week!

That’s right, next week I will be at Gen Con with my good friend and Vast Grimm co-creator Ross Brandt! If you are at the show, swing by my Creature Curation booth 1457 to say hello and check out the book proofs in person. We're also going to have a small Meat Up.

Duncan Hall will also be at the show helping hold down the booth as we debut Plunderlust, a card game set in the dying universe! Duncan had created a Mörk Borg card game (7:7) that I enjoy. Together we’ve adapted it to Vast Grimm. YOU NEED THIS!!!

Late Pledges

If you have a friend who missed out on the campaign, they can join us now. The prices are slightly higher, but I'd love to have them join OUR LEGION here.

Customer Support

If you have any issues between now and fulfillment, the best way to reach out about it is through our support form here.

That's it for this update, 

As always, thank you for supporting my weirdness!!!
-- Brian

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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