Latest from the Creator
Creature Curation
13 days ago
IMPORTANT – Digital files and more – PLEASE READ
Hello Trusty Legionnaires!!! There is a lot to cover in today's update, let's dive in: WHAT'S INSIDE • Survey Says • Locking Surveys and Charging Cards • Digital Files Availabl...
Creature Curation
24 days ago
Quick Pledge Manager Update AU/NZ Important
Hello trusty backers! It was brought to my attention that the Australia / New Zealand shipping was off. Because there are orders already associated with the shipping rates, I c...
Creature Curation
26 days ago
Pledge Manager Smoke Test
Hello Trusty Legionnaires!!! I've been back from Gen Con for a week but lost some time due to Covid. I'm feeling much better and I'm in dire need of giving you an update! Wh...
Creature Curation
about 1 month ago
Legion Log Update 07.25.24
Hello trusty Legionnaires! Yesterday was an exciting day. I thought my printer was bringing the book proofs with them to Gen Con. Instead, they arrived a week early, and direct...
Creature Curation
3 months ago
MY LEGION, We did it!!!
Hello Legionnaires! Thank you so much for helping to fund No Safe Haven!!! I truly appreciate each and every one of you who jumped into this campaign and supported my quest. ...
Creature Curation
3 months ago
d6 What's Your Würm Pencils
Need to roll your würm infection? Look no further than the lead-stick gripped in your sweaty beefy mitts. Each side has a different würm your meatbags can get infected by. And t...
Creature Curation
13 days ago

Project Update: IMPORTANT – Digital files and more – PLEASE READ

Hello Trusty Legionnaires!!! There is a lot to cover in today's update, let's dive in:


  • Survey Says
  • Locking Surveys and Charging Cards
  • Digital Files Available
  • Remaining Stretch Goals
  • WürmBrew Event
  • Get a FREE d2 Astro Zombie


82% of you amazing backers have filled out your Surveys!!! But that still leaves 18% of you who have not. Even if you pledged for the Digital Tribute tier, I still need you to fill it out so I can lock the order and mark it as complete.

There was some question about "Choose Style for Expansion Book #X"

The way the books were built in the survey, Expansion Book was created as an item with 3 variations. Anyone who has more than one book coming has to go through the steps of selecting which books they want. As an example, you could order 2 copies of Helltrap Barges if you wanted. If you want one of each, just make sure you select each one as you go through the steps.

If you can't find your invite, you can access it here.


Printing is getting closer to the finish line and I will be locking orders this Friday, August 30 (evening) and charging cards. I need to lock orders so I can get a firm understanding of how many of each item need to come to me and to my fulfillment partner overseas.


Today is the day!!! PDFs and VTT files are available in your Backerkit accounts. Log in and look for the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button!

With the addition of the TECH ability, I have uploaded new character sheets to the website. They have a folded Table Tent that can be applied so that when playing in person, all players can see the name of the character. Get them here

Customer Support

If you run into any issues, fill out this form for help


  • Printing is still underway (I hope to update you on this in early September)
  • I will place patch orders this week!!!
  • Stretch goal adventures and online character generator will be worked on soon


Get ready for two days of Würm-inspired beer and Grimm-infested gaming!!! That's right, I am heading up to Pittsburgh for the first-ever WürmBrew! If you are in the area please mark your calendar and be sure to join us at Sobel's Obscure Brewery

Get a FREE d2 Astro Zombie

As part of the promotion for my next project, everyone who deposits $1 towards the campaign will geta  FREE d2 Astro Zombie coin with their physical pledge. Sign up here to get in on it.

You've made it all the way to the bottom of the update! Thank you so much for being a part of this quest.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the books in The Grimm Place discord. 
–– Brian
user avatar image for Creature Curation




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Creature Curation
24 days ago

Project Update: Quick Pledge Manager Update AU/NZ Important

Hello trusty backers!

It was brought to my attention that the Australia / New Zealand shipping was off. Because there are orders already associated with the shipping rates, I can not change them.

Instead, I have gone in and added a credit to make up for the discrepancy to backers who have already entered their info. If you live in that part of the world and have not filled out the pledge manager yet, please contact me here when you do! I will then go in and make sure you get a credit applied to your account before the cards are charged. I apologize for the confusion. I am glad it was easy to fix. 

In Other News

We are at 49% of surveys filled out!!! Get those wrapped up so I know how many of each book and patch pack to send where. The sooner you do it, the easier my life will be... and we all want that right :)

Thanks and have a great day!





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Creature Curation
26 days ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Smoke Test

Hello Trusty Legionnaires!!!

I've been back from Gen Con for a week but lost some time due to Covid. I'm feeling much better and I'm in dire need of giving you an update!

While at Gen Con I approved the final proofs (see the physical copies in the photo) and paid the deposit! I also met with my printer while there. We are currently looking at the end of August/beginning of September for the production to finish. After that the books will need to get on a boat and head to my warehouse in the US and my fulfillment partner in the UK's warehouse. This should probably put fulfillment to you around the end of October!

All-in-all it has been a pretty fast turnaround on this project.

As soon as I send this update out, I will do a smoke test to about 5% of you. Please, if you get it make all of your final selections. I want to have this part wrapped up by the end of the month so that when the books are finished, I can pay the final balance. Please have this filled out before then so I know how many of everything to send where! 

Customer Support

If you run into any issues, fill out this form for help

PDF Update

Losing time to Gen Con and Covid has me behind on the PDFs of the books. Look for those in the next week or two. I will send an update here when they have been added to Backerkit.

New Project

In other news, I have a new project, Plunderlust, launching sometime this fall. The exact date is undetermined, but the cards have stats that can be used in Vast Grimm!

Give it a follow here.

Upcoming Appearances

• I'll be helping my good friend Allen Panakal at his booth at DragonCon in the vendor hall
• I'm a guest at Granite State Comicon Sept 21-2
• Würmfest Beer release and gaming weekend I will be at Sobel's Obscure Brewery Oct 5&6 outside Pittsburgh
• More to come!!!

Thanks so much for being a part of this!!!!
–– Brian
user avatar image for Creature Curation




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Creature Curation
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Legion Log Update 07.25.24

Hello trusty Legionnaires!

Yesterday was an exciting day. I thought my printer was bringing the book proofs with them to Gen Con. Instead, they arrived a week early, and directly to my door!

They look fantastic! They go so well with my last three Vast Grimm expansion books.

Backers get an exclusive look at them before Gen Con... everyone else will have to wait to see them in person there, or after the show when I release the video. Backers, check down in the Backers Only content!

I have a few minor updates that I am going to send over for a revised digital proof. Barring any hiccups, I should be able to approve these to go to print next week!!!

What’s Next

  • After approving the digital proofs I will share an updated timeline for fulfillment
  • I'll finish out the pledge manager and launch that mid-August
  • Patches will be ordered
  • PDFs will be sent out mid/late August. I need to export these and make sure to add all the links.
  • Digital assets will be created and sent mid/late August
  • I’ll work on the Digital Character/Creature Creation that backers pledged for late September
  • Backer Train adventures will be worked on September/October
  • Guest Adventures will be worked on September/October
  • Updated Character Generator will be added September/October

Gen Con next week!

That’s right, next week I will be at Gen Con with my good friend and Vast Grimm co-creator Ross Brandt! If you are at the show, swing by my Creature Curation booth 1457 to say hello and check out the book proofs in person. We're also going to have a small Meat Up.

Duncan Hall will also be at the show helping hold down the booth as we debut Plunderlust, a card game set in the dying universe! Duncan had created a Mörk Borg card game (7:7) that I enjoy. Together we’ve adapted it to Vast Grimm. YOU NEED THIS!!!

Late Pledges

If you have a friend who missed out on the campaign, they can join us now. The prices are slightly higher, but I'd love to have them join OUR LEGION here.

Customer Support

If you have any issues between now and fulfillment, the best way to reach out about it is through our support form here.

That's it for this update, 

As always, thank you for supporting my weirdness!!!
-- Brian

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
user avatar image for Creature Curation




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Creature Curation
3 months ago

Project Update: MY LEGION, We did it!!!

Hello Legionnaires!

Thank you so much for helping to fund No Safe Haven!!! I truly appreciate each and every one of you who jumped into this campaign and supported my quest.

Now that the crowdfunding phase of this project is over, I wanted to share an outline of the next steps and what you should expect.

Backerkit Charges

Most of you have already been charged for your pledge. If there were any issues with payments, July 5 will be the last day that cards will be charged for your current pledges. If you have received an error message from Backerkit, please update your credit/debit card info by that date. Otherwise, your pledge will get canceled.


No Safe Haven – Finished, ready to send to the printer.
Grimm Outlook – Final layout, will need one more round of edits before sending to the printer.
Helltrap Barges – Still has a portion to write and layout before it can be edited. My goal is to finish this by the end of this upcoming week.
Skeleton Crew – Sent final layout to Walt for editing. Then it will be ready to send to the printer.

Once the files are sent to the printer, my manufacturing partner is going to do their best to have printed samples to hand deliver to me at Gen Con!!! These will be proofs that I review for color and to make sure everything looks like it should before I place the final order for print.

PDF Delivery

I will release these to backers a week or two after Gen Con. I will want to give my approval to the printer and then I will probably need some time to catch up from the show.

All Other Items

Patches, Stretch Goal Adventures, Train Car Scenario, Digital Assets, and Character Generator will all be updated in the coming weeks and I will get you more details on timelines for those as I have them.

Pledge Manager

The pledge manager phase is planned to open sometime in mid-July. You will be able to make your selections, include more add-ons, and see what your shipping charges should be. Final payments for shipping and additional add-ons will not be charged until closer to fulfillment.

Late Pledges

If you have a friend who missed out on the campaign, they can join us now. The prices are slightly higher, but I'd love to have them join OUR LEGION here.

Customer Support

If you have any issues between now and fulfillment, the best way to reach out about it is through our support form here.

Personal Discord
You may be on some other discord servers that I am a part of, but I recently opened up my personal discord to more people. Please, join us there.

Grimm Friends

It wouldn't be an update without sharing at least one other project.

Smörk Borg

Growing up watching cartoons of little blue people who were only three apples tall, I find this hack of Mörk Borg very amusing!

You've made it to the end of the update!

Again, THANK YOU <3!!!!

And as mentioned above be sure to join your fellow LEGIONNAIRES in the discord

I'll be back with more updates soon,
–– Brian





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