Thank you! We (more than) funded the zine! Holy smokes, that's incredible! While we can all celebrate this awesome success, I'm going to be diving back into editing after doing about three to four big guy cartwheels that we will not film, because there's going to be nothing pretty about it. But after that, as long as I don't end up in the hospital, I'm going to make sure this zine is the best it possibly can be for all of you. Because you deserve it! Thank you again. In the coming weeks I'll have a pledge manager set up where you can send us your email addresses for DriveThruRPG. Then once the book is proofed and approved we will send over your links where you can print your copies at-cost and get them shipped to your door. Each one of you will also get PDFs included with the purchases, because that's how we roll. (You should always get a PDF if you buy a physical book, it just makes sense!) So look forward to that too.
Alright. I'm not going to take too long away from revisions to write a lengthy multi-paragraph email here. But I do want to say thank you. Your support means the world to our team of human writers, editors, and artists. We intend to deliver the best possible zine we can. So get ready for an awesome adventure! More updates coming soon once I figure out this pledge manager thingy. Have an excellent weekend Crawl Club! (You're in the club now. Which means you're really cool. No joust.)