Bill Harvat
26 days ago

Project Update: Second Draft is Done, Onward to the Third Draft!

Let's just start this update off with this contents page. Because this should give you all an idea of the scope of Volume 2. A LOT is going into this one, and revisions are underway. We're hoping to have another pass done by the end of this week, and begin getting final layouts done in Early February. This means, we're on schedule! Which is awesome!

Last weekend was my wife and son's birthday weekend. So I decided not to bug everybody with a bunch of unnecessary updates and instead focused on getting more work done on the zine. (Oh yeah and celebrating their birthdays, which also happened.) We're just about there, and it's shaping up to be the coolest RPG publication I have ever worked on! Which isn't saying much because this is literally the second thing I have ever created. But let's not focus on those details!

Let's just focus on the newest spoiler. See page 154. We will be including some new Mass Combat rules compatible with your favorite RPG. So get ready for large scale battles! 

Thank you again for all of your enthusiasm about this project. And especially for backing it! We're building something amazing here and it's almost time. We just need a few more revisions and some more polish and we'll be ready for print!

Have an amazing week Crawl Club!




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