12 months ago

Project Update: Orders Lock the 29th! Finish up your surveys ASAP!

As a reminder, orders officially lock on the 29th, just a couple days away!

Please fill out your surveys and make your final selections on your items! You will be unable to change them after that date.

Now, moving onto the updates! All enamel pin stock just came in, and they turned out incredible!! I just finished up editing together the product photos. Also, we got back some photos of the glass frog ita bag 👀 there is a small tweak I’d like to make to the colors, but otherwise I LOVE the look. I think it turned out great, and can’t wait to take photos of it as well. 

As for the bug plush keychains, unfortunately their final samples will not be complete before the orders lock… However, I can show you the revised mock-ups I sent to our manufacturer! All the keychains are being sized up to around 6 inches (basically doubled the size) in order to fit all the small details we’d like them to have. I’ll be working my best to make sure they turn out as close to these mockups as possible!

Another product that came in a few days ago…. All of our sticker stock! Here’s some product photos of those so far:

As for the frog bags, manufacturing is going smoothly so far. So, shipment should still be a few months out as scheduled. I’ll update as soon as we have an exact date set that we can begin shipment! 
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