Hello! ALL orders from this campaign have now been shipped out! The very last few packages just went out this morning! (excluding those few who still haven't answered their surveys, if that's you please reach out through email so we can help you out!)
Thank you SO so much for your patience with us shipping out all the 2,700+ orders!! A ton of stuff behind the scenes + chronic illness did delay shipments back a little further than we expected, but we're all caught up now! I'm currently making my way through our emails, apologies for the lack of updates and not responding to community posts as well :,) I don't get notified when you comment here but I will get back to you as quickly as I can if you email support@chimerabunny.com!
(email for tracking info, lost/stolen packages, missing items, or issues with your items!)
For the future, we will be switching to using a shipping fullfillment company to ship out all orders on our shops + future campaigns! (this will start early next year, we're holding a small sale on our stores then closing down for the rest of the year as we make the transition) Shipping on our own with the volume of orders we get isn't really feasible physically anymore, so hope this new change will improve shipping times drastically! We greatly appreciate the understanding and patience you've shown us on this campaign <3
You should've received a confirmation email with the tracking on your order to your email inbox, but in case you didn't shoot us an email and we've got you covered :D It's been super cool to see everyone receiving their orders and sharing it with us over on instagram, I've even seen some people wearing our merch out in public a few times!! So, I've gotta ask you guys...
What's the coolest adventure you've been on with your frog bag so far?