6 days ago

Project Update: Let's have a writing contest!

Hello to all my fellow writers, both professional and hobbyist.

This writing contest will be simple, I hope, and give all the non-artists a chance to win something!

Prompt: Halloween

Since it is October, I think it would be appropriate to have a prompt that revolves around Halloween. I don't want to create a prompt that is too specific, so I'm leaving it to you guys what you want to write about. I can give you some ideas, though!

Example: Bella and Catsie are hard at work planning and coordinating a Halloween party, but Batty and Lupin have other plans! They are creating all kinds of chaos behind the scenes and their antics have led some to believe that there is a spooky specter sabotaging them, but they unravel the mystery, and realize it is only a mischievous bat and werewolf.

This is only an example, of course! You are welcome to use it, but also feel free to go in another direction if you feel so inclined!


  • Must have a beginning, middle and an end.
  • You may get as creative as you like!
  • It may be as long or short as you like. Length does not play a factor in whether you will win or not.
  • Please check out the character descriptions to get an idea of how a character may behave.
  • You may not use AI in any way.
  • Do not plagiarize anything. Parodies/inspiration of existing stories are fine. (EX: Little Red Riding Hood)

Character Descriptions

  • Catsie Cupcake is energetic, brave and confident. She is a natural leader, but kind and gentle with her guidance.
  • Bella Biscuit is shy, timid, and nervous. She doesn't know how to be assertive, and she often second guesses herself. She will usually open up to Catsie, though, who is quick to give her a confidence boost!
  • Lupin is scared of much more than he lets on. He is a bit superstitious and certainly jumpy. He does not like the dark. Still, he likes doing whatever Batty is doing, and will often follow her lead.
  • Batty is a big ol' troublemaker who loves to play pranks on all the other cookies. She is harmless, but definitely keeps everyone on their toes! She really isn't scared of much, besides being alone, but luckily she always has Lupin around.
  • London Lollipop is friendly and all about fashion, but he likes to help in anyway he can, as long as it isn't too messy. He is doesn't like to get dirty, or too disheveled. 
  • Millie Muffin is a joyful boy who loves to bake and see peoples faces light up when they try his latest pastry. He's also strong, so the other cookies aren't shy to ask him for help when they need something that calls for a little more strength than they can muster themselves!
  • Gertie Gumball is a goofy girl who finds it difficult to focus or take anything serious. She always has just one thing on her mind, and that is getting a good chuckle out of all her friends. 
  • Madame Macaron is mysterious, but friendly. It's often difficult to tell what she is thinking, and she doesn't overshare. She likes her solitude, but will help out when needed. Lupin finds her a little scary.
  • Dotty Dragonsbeard is a sensitive creature, prone to crying. Sometimes for no reason at all. She spends most of her time hugging her tail. She doesn't take much initiative, but will do what is asked of her. 
  • Una Ube is confident and stubborn. She often tries to use her magic, even if it backfires. She loves to chat, compete, and live life to the fullest!
  • Elliot Eclair is very nurturing. The local medic of sorts. She takes care of everyone, and is always prepared with a first aid kit. She sees Dotty and Zoey a lot, because of this. She is very humble, modest, and soft spoken. She is also fiercely loyal to all her friends, and will use her strength to protect them and keep them safe.
  • Marla Meringue is very athletic. She loves to climb, jump, and run-- anything that involves moving. She isn't afraid to get dirty, and often does to London's dismay. She also finds herself in friendly competition with Una!
  • Zoey Zebracake is a bit ditzy, and definitely clumsy. If there is a way to break your leg three times in a year, she'll find it. You often see her with a new assortment of bandaids and some silly story behind it. That doesn't stop her from getting out there, though! 
  • Nessie Nougat is a bubbly daydreamer, always imagining something new. She is great at telling stories because of this. Her friends love to ride around on her back or stomach and daydream with her before taking a cozy nap on the waves.

  • There will be 2 winners who will get to select 1 plushie of their choice
  • 5 runner-ups will receive a $20 credit to use towards items or their plushie purchase!

Email Entries to: [email protected] with the title "Circus Sweeties: Writing Contest"
Included: Backerkit Username + Email

Deadline: Thursday 10/28/24 at 11PST!

If you have any other questions, please comment below and I will get back to you! Otherwise, happy writing! I look forward to reading everyone's stories! 
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