Cephalofair Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Final day!

Good day! And the final day of the campaign! This has truly been a unique experience for all of us at Cephalofair Games, and I hope you had a good time with the Gloomhaven Grand Festival. Whether you watched a lot of streams, or worked out the puzzles, voted in the polls, or just backed for $1 and moved on, I hope you enjoyed doing so, and will continue to have a good time when you receive what you pledged for.

So just how will we go from running this grand festival to delivering you your stuff? Well, it will be a process, but a process that we are very familiar with. Once the campaign ends, we're going to transition to an update every other week on Fridays, just to keep you abreast of the goings on as we move through completing the various projects. Initially, these will probably focus on Buttons & Bugs, as that is the first thing we are working on getting out the door (in addition to the Frosthaven reprint and playsurface books). And then we'll move on from there!

So you can expect the next update for this project to arrive July 28, and then we will also be working on opening up the pledge manager some time the week following that. If I'm being totally honest, we all need a bit of vacation after this. It was an intense experience preparing for this thing and then running it, and now we've got a long road ahead of us. But we'll get it done!

All that's left now is to give you a recap of yesterday's streams and tell you what's coming up for today, so let's get to it.

Bright and early yesterday morning, Drew, Dennis, and I got together for a final Gloomhaven: Second Edition play, and even though we were tackling one of the most notoriously hard scenarios in the game, it went pretty well! Of course, the new version of the scenario was a little easier, but it was still no joke.

Then, after a Fireside Chat with Price, we had a great RPG stream with the Good Time Society showing off the digital features of Hero Lab and Roll20.

And we finished the night off by completing the final scenario of Gloomhaven Digital with Brambeard Gaming, where I rode my high from playing Squid Face well in the earlier stream to just absolutely losing my mind and tanking it. Good times.

And today? Well, we decided to close things out by just rerunning all four gameplay videos of the Old School RPG. We started at 6am PST, and it will be running up until 4pm PST, when Price, Ruel, and I will hop on one last stream to play some Buttons & Bugs, chat, and watch that final number go up. If you're looking for a place to share in the excitement of those final hours, this will be where it's at!

And that's it! I will say it once again that it has been an experience writing these updates for you everyday. And while I'm looking forward to getting my life back, I also just want to thank everyone once again for joining us for this festival and participating in whatever way you did. I won't catch you tomorrow, but I will catch you next Friday, the 28th, for a post-vacation run-down of where we're at. Until then!
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