Black Armada Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Shipping is go!

Hey folks

Just a quick update to say that Lovecraftesque 2e shipping has begun - indeed some folks have already started to receive their stuff. If you've got yours, please do post below to tell us, including where in the world you are, as it helps us get an idea of how things are going. Bonus points if you send us a photo!

  • The Eastern half of the US were first out of the gate, and have started to arrive already.
  • The non-US stuff is shipping from a UK warehouse this week, and arrival time will vary depending where in the world you are.
  • The Western half of the US got stuck in customs for a LONG time, so even though it arrived in port first, it's shipping last. Shipping should commence imminently.
  • Custom cards and, in some cases, non-Lovecraftesque rewards will be coming separately, so don't worry if you get a package that doesn't contain everything. In particular some of our zines are only in stock at Black Armada HQ in the UK, so if you ordered any of those it's likely you'll be getting them from us, and that may mean it takes longer - outside the UK, 6-8 weeks is the expected delivery time.

Hurrah! I hope you enjoy reading and playing the game.


Josh (and Becky)
user avatar image for Black Armada Games





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