Black Armada Games
6 months ago

Project Update: September update - things are moving forward!

Hi folks

Last month's update felt a bit doomy - we'd had a ton of problems with the UV flashlights, and I was beginning to think we might have to drop them from the product altogether. Thank you to everyone who gave supportive comments in response - it was a big help, emotionally. Thankfully, after some hairy negotiations with our manufacturer over regulatory compliance and price, I've managed to get things moving - and we get to keep the flashlight. At some point I'll do a write-up of what exactly happened here and why - but for now, the main message is: the problem is fixed.

I didn't want to let September go by without an update, but right now it's a national holiday in China, so I don't have details of when the product will ship as yet. I'm expecting to hear during the second week in October. I'll update again when I know more.

This also means that shipping will be charged soon. I'm told by the experts at Backerkit that we should overcommunicate this fact so nobody is surprised when it happens. In fact I would say the word "overcommunicate" has been mentioned to us so many times that it's begun to sound like a dalek talking. They've overcommunicated the need to overcommunicate. But anyway, this is your reminder that there will be a separate charge for shipping. I will mention this again soon! You will be overcommunicated to! Overcommunicate!!!

Also: we got the mass production sample and it looks great! Worth the wait. We're gonna make some proper product pics and I'll share those when we have them. In the meantime I've taken a quick and dirty one, see below.

Nearly there!


Josh (and Becky)

user avatar image for Black Armada Games





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