Black Armada Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Lovecraftesque is shipping soon!

Hello everyone

I'm excited to say that Lovecraftesque is now on a boat (three boats actually) and on its way to warehouses in the US and UK. Shipping to customers will commence soon after - likely in January.

If you are one of the many folks signed up for updates on the project but haven't yet backed - now is a good chance to jump on! We will be putting the price in early January when we close pre-orders, so don't miss the chance to pay less.

If you're a backer, you may see final notifications come in some time in the next month, warning you that you're about to be charged for shipping and your address locked. If you have any add-ons you want, or if you are changing address, you need to update your order before that happens.

As planned, the shipments left in late November, and are expected to arrive at the port late Dec/early Jan. There's another week or two for it to get from port to warehouse, and then time for the warehouse to pack everything up and send it out. So I would think late January is the most likely date for the product to be shipped to you - and arrival times dependent on where in the world you are.

For backers who (like me) enjoy watching a little dot move across a map, there's tracking details for each shipment below, along with pictures of some boats.

Yours excitedly,

Josh (and Becky)

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