4 months ago

Project Update: Let's talk about value, quality, and variety

This campaign is currently 57% funded, with 25 days remaining. In theory, it should easily surpass the minimum funding goal. But that's only if new backers keep pledging on most days.

Here's a pretty amazing stat: Nearly 83% of backers thus far have pledged for EVERYTHING being offered! WOW!

I think I know why that number is so high. Most backers are recognizing what a great deal this is.

But how do you know it's a good deal, unless you compare it to something? So let's do just that.

Have you ever bought isometric mapping assets on sites like the Roll20 Marketplace? Why don't you browse their isometric offerings right now to do a little comparison shopping? I'd like for you to pay attention to two things as you browse through the content: Cost per asset, and the visual quality of the assets.

See if your findings correlate more or less with my findings, which are as follows:
You can typically get a set of around 25-30 assets for $5, about 100 assets for $6.50, or perhaps around 200 assets for $7.50-$12.00. For simplicity, let's average all of that out to be about $6 per 100 assets (or, if you prefer, about 6 cents per asset).

This crowdfunding campaign is offering around 4600 isometric assets. If my math is correct, that many assets would cost around $276 (4600 / 100 x $6) on the Roll20 Marketplace. A small fortune!

In contrast, I'm asking for a mere $83 for the entire Add-On collection on offer. That works out to under 2 cents per asset! So at less than a third the price of buying assets elsewhere (if they were even available there, which they are not), this is really quite a bargain.

And that's not even taking into account the quality of the assets. Most of the isometric content you can get elsewhere seems to me to be rather lacking in visual quality. That's entirely subjective, of course, but I think most of you would agree.

On top of all that, there's something I haven't mentioned on the campaign page. To provide additional variety, I'll be providing color mods of many of the assets, so the final asset count will actually be hundreds higher than previously stated.

Here are some examples (perhaps a third) of the color mods I'll be including.

In summary, those of you who have already pledged should rest assured that you're going to get a great value for your investment, and those of you who've been on the fence should seriously consider taking the plunge to not only help ensure that these 13 Add-Ons get made, but also help pave the way for more such Add-Ons in the future.





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