Since the last Update, I've completed four more Add-Ons in this collection. A couple of them were 2-parts (simply too much content for a single Add-On file).
Here are some p...
about 2 months ago
New Years Update
Happy New Year, everyone!
I've been hard at work since my last Update. Figured you'd want to see some preview pics of how these Add-Ons are turning out. So without further a...
2 months ago
Work has begun in earnest
Since the day after this campaign ended, I've been plugging away at creating another Add-On in this collection ("Graveyard/Cemetery").I'm happy to say it's now complete. The ...
3 months ago
Made it! Funding goal reached!
There's still a little over 40 hours to go before the campaign ends. Let's see if we can bring in a bit more.
Read this Update that I posted to my la...
3 months ago
Discount on some complementary products
The featured products (shown at the bottom of the MapForge site's homepage) have just been changed. I decided to feature (and discount) some products that complement the offerings of this BackerKit campaign.
3 months ago
What do you all think? Will this campaign fund in the last 9 days?
I've done about all I can in regards to getting the word out on social media (Facebook, X, Reddit, Instagram, and MeWe). If you happen across any of my posts, give it a Like, or better yet, make a comment. That often brings an older post back up to the top, thereby increasing ...
Since the last Update, I've completed four more Add-Ons in this collection. A couple of them were 2-parts (simply too much content for a single Add-On file).
Here are some pics to preview how they came out. Note that these aren't "beauty shots" designed to show off the product in its best light; they are simply screenshots of test maps that I make during development to test for seamless tiling, etc.
The Add-On I'm currently working on, "Generic Buildings", will also be 2-parts. I'm done with Part 1, and am currently working on Part 2.
Once that's done, there will only be two of the fourteen Add-Ons left to do: "Distinctive Buildings" (2-parts) and "Rustic Nature". So it looks like you'll be getting the rewards from this campaign by the end of this month (hopefully a bit sooner).
I've been hard at work since my last Update. Figured you'd want to see some preview pics of how these Add-Ons are turning out. So without further ado...
I've thus far completed 7 of the 14 Add-Ons. But since I worked on the smaller Add-Ons first, and the largest Add-Ons lie ahead, that means I'm nowhere near halfway done.I suspect I'll be well into February by the time the last 7 Add-Ons are done.
But rest assured, these are turning out real nice.
I'll be away for a few days later this month (on a short family vacation), but I'm looking forward to coming back to work rested and re-energized, to tackle what remains of this gargantuan project.
Take care, and may 2025 bring great things to everyone.
Since the day after this campaign ended, I've been plugging away at creating another Add-On in this collection ("Graveyard/Cemetery").I'm happy to say it's now complete. The final asset count is 106.
Here's a peek at how it turned out, and to show how some of the bits fit together.
So that's 3 Add-Ons completed so far, leaving 11 Add-Ons to go.
I just started in on the "Mines" Add-On today, and hope to have it done before Monday.
After that, production of the Add-Ons will start taking a day or two longer for each, as the remaining sets will have a higher asset count.
By the way, it looks like everyone's pledges went through OK (i.e., no credit card transactions were declined), so that's great. I just hope the funds find their way to my LLC's bank account soon, since I'm now living off an advance/loan.
There's still a little over 40 hours to go before the campaign ends. Let's see if we can bring in a bit more.
Read this Update that I posted to my largest Kickstarter campaign to learn about a spiffy new feature I'll be adding to MapForge v1.3.9, thanks to this campaign having reached its funding goal.
Some observations about this campaign:
As far as I can tell, this campaign has only brought in one new MapForge user (everyone else is a prior backer), so I really need to improve on drawing in new users.
Almost no one pledged for just a couple of Add-Ons, which is a bit surprising. On the other hand, it's incredibly awesome that nearly everyone pledged for EVERYTHING.