11 days ago

Project Update: The post-campaign Survey has gone out, and campaign rewards are now being sent

To claim your rewards, be sure to download the MapForge v1.3.9 Patch and install it, since all 14 new Add-Ons developed by this campaign require v1.3.9.

Instructions for installing a patch: Download the patch file, unzip the downloaded file, then move the file/s that it contains into your MapForge directory, overwriting any existing files. Make sure that MapForge isn’t running when you apply the patch.

Those of you who are new to MapForge should first get the latest Full Install from here. Important: Be sure to follow the setup recommendations in the "Technical Tips" section of that page. You should already have received an email with instructions on how to claim your license. If for some reason you didn't receive it (perhaps it ended up in your spam inbox by mistake), you can also find the instructions here.

Once you've completed the Survey I just sent out (check your email), you should automatically have access to download all of the Add-Ons you pledged for.

I generally advise users to not install/activate more than 5 new Add-Ons at once, to avoid overwhelming MapForge with too much new content all at once. However, some of these new Add-Ons are so large (e.g. Ruins, Rustic Nature, Roads & Sidewalks, and Roofs Pt.1), that you should really count those as two Add-Ons, in this regard.

Keep in mind that the first run with any given Add-On can take a while, as image thumbnails and search tags are cached to your hard drive, to make content navigation and asset searches really speedy. Subsequent launches with previously-loaded Add-Ons should be significantly faster.

Exactly how much faster will depend on your particular computer. I timed loading times on my laptop and the results below should give you a rough idea.

Add-On/s Loaded: Rustic Nature (just 1 Add-On)
Load Time, First Use: 57 secs
Load Time, Subsequent Uses: 16.5 seconds

Add-On/s Loaded: All Generic Buildings & Distinctive Buildings (4 Add-Ons in total) 
Load Time, First Use: 52 secs
Load Time, Subsequent Uses: 17.5 seconds

Add-On/s Loaded: All Floors & Roofs (4 Add-Ons in total) 
Load Time, First Use: 45 secs
Load Time, Subsequent Uses: 18 seconds

Add-On/s Loaded: Trains & Rails, Ruins, Roads & Sidewalks (3 Add-Ons in total)
Load Time, First Use: 1 minute and 45 secs
Load Time, Subsequent Uses: 17 seconds

So it looks like Add-Ons load anywhere between 3x to 5x faster after the first time they're used. I'd be curious to know if you get similar (or wildly different) results.

Once you've had a look at the Add-Ons' contents and played around with them a bit, I'd love to get your feedback in this Update's Comments.

If anyone needs tech support or other assistance, email me at this address: [email protected]
user avatar image for heruca





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