about 2 months ago

Project Update: New users welcome!

In addition to publishing new mapping content Add-Ons, one of my goals of this campaign (and every campaign I run, really) is to grow the MapForge userbase.

Every single backer of this campaign thus far has previously pledged to one of my prior campaigns, and so is almost certainly already a MapForge user. That's a nice show of customer loyalty, and I appreciate that.

But this fact would also seem to indicate that I'm not reaching potential new MapForge users. Perhaps I need to show them how easy the app is to use, give them a little demo.

To that end, I wanted to post this link to a demo/tutorial video, which shows how easy it is to put an isometric map together in MapForge (I recommend setting playback speed to 1.25x). I'll also be adding that video to the campaign page, since not everyone reads these Updates.

The two types of potential backers that I'd like to attract include:

1. Those with an interest in isometric mapping in general, even if they have no particular interest in the Modern Day and/or the Post-Apocalypse genres. Why? Because perhaps they are not aware that there's already isometric content available for other genres, and more is on the way in the not-too-distant future. All they'd need to pledge for here is a discounted MapForge license (3 of the 4 pledge levels allow this).

2. Those with no particular interest in isometric mapping, but who would instead prefer to create top-down maps, or hex-tile maps. Again, all they'd need to pledge for here is a discounted MapForge license.

This YouTube playlist should be useful for those with an interest in previewing some of the pre-existing isometric content Add-Ons for the Fantasy or Post-Apocalypse genre that they might want to pick up.

Lastly, I wanted to post a link to this video, which shows how you could easily extract assets from isometric video games that you might already own, so you can greatly expand your library of mapping assets (for Personal Use Only, of course).

If anyone has any ideas where I should promote this campaign, I'm all ears. And I'd appreciate Upvotes to this post by any Reddit users.
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