From the publisher of Embroidered Worlds, Rosalind's Siblings, Interdimensions, The Gray Assassin Trilogy, and Pluralities.
The Factory - Songs for the Shadows - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana

The Factory - Songs for the Shadows - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana

The Factory by Ihor Mysiak - Songs For the Shadows by Cheryl S. Ntumy - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana
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So Grateful

We're so grateful for everyone who joined us for these pre-orders. We see you, we love you, and we will keep doing the work. ♥ - E.


Atthis Arts, a small, indie press with a soul in Detroit and a heart of the world, is proud to present to you exclusive pre-orders for two stories that explore grief and celebrate the joy in the everyday living of life.

Your pre-orders mean the world to so many!

Our goal is for these wonderful stories to be seen and shared, they way they, their writers, and supporters, and really a world who needs these, deserve. Also, we hope this campaign can help us pay outstanding bills, and fund marketing toward these beautiful books, that have so much meaning to so many people.

These stories and communities deserve your attention, and frankly, our press needs it too to keep doing this type of work.

Thank you, so much, for your support.

About The Factory

The Factory by Ihor Mysiak, translated by Yevheniia Dubrova and Hanna Leliv, An evocative tale of a motley and rather strange gathering of men who restore a broken-down factory aside an old, forgotten village to build and sell electronic machines assured to cause happiness., book cover: An image of a bleak factory underneath a bleak gray-teal sky with a person falling from above is cut out under the word Завод, with the title and author text Ihor Mysiak, The Factory - and translator names Yevheniia Dubrova, Hanna Leliv

The Factory by poet and prose writer Ihor Mysiak, translated by Yevheniia Dubrova and Hanna Leliv, was published in its original Ukrainian in 2022, dedicated to the author’s friend who had recently been killed by Russia while defending his home. The following spring, Ihor himself was also killed by Russia, and a global community came together to further share his deeply poetic and insightful words.

Atmospheric and meditative, Mysiak’s staccato Ukrainian storytelling paints an evocative tale of a motley and rather strange gathering of men who restore a broken-down factory aside an old, forgotten village to build and sell electronic machines assured to cause happiness. Though smoothly woven between pleasantries and mishaps, often calming, and frequently amusing, there is a deeply cutting edge of satire, fury, and rebellion to this meandering tale. In all of this, The Factory builds its own modern parable to remind the reader of love, community, and the joys of every single day, and the need—the urgency—to protect them.

Cover art and original design by Ihor Dunets, provided generously by our friends at Tempora Publishing

Ігор Мисяк - Ihor Mysiak: A Ukrainian poet and prose writer and student of history. He defended his home in the Revolution of Dignity, in the Azov Brigade, and in the Territorial Defense Forces. This is and will be his only novel.


About Songs for the Shadows

Songs for the Shadows by Cheryl S. Ntumy, a Sauútiverse story, Shad-Dari has escaped her past, her dreams now in reach. In one rebellion too far, she sets off a chain of events that severs her from time itself, forcing her, without another way forward, to face her past. book cover: A woman with golden eyes and a distressed but determined expression is submerged in water, small bubbles of breath rising from her mouth. A tentacle reaches around her front side. She is wearing a futuristic suit, with locs of hair rising above her into the sunlight streaming down from the water’s surface.

Songs for the Shadows by Cheryl S. Ntumy, featuring a Foreword by Wole Talabi, is the first novella published in the Sauútiverse, a collaborative world bringing together elements of African culture and storytelling.

Your feelings are of no consequence.

Shad-Dari has escaped her past, her dreams now in reach. An excavator of the valuable old sounds of Órino-Rin, she steals tiny, unheard fragments of the sacred songs to erase the painful echo of her home planet, Ekwukwe. In one rebellion too far, she sets off a chain of events that severs her from time itself, forcing her, without another way forward, to face her past.

“Set in the Sauúti universe and tightly packed with rich worldbuilding, Songs for the Shadows is crafted in beautiful prose and depth, meditating on silence and sound and song as powerful cultural entities—a magic system of sound excavation and the folding and manipulation of time that blew me away!”—Tlotlo Tsamaase, Caine Prize Finalist and author of Womb City

Cover Illustration by Akintoba Kalejaye
Cover Design and Cover Typography by Stephen Embleton

Cheryl S. Ntumy: A Ghanaian writer who dabbles in everything from romance to poetry to essays to speculative fiction. She is active in Petlo Literary Arts work in Botswana and is a founding member of the Sauúti Collective.

About the Anthologies

We are proud to also offer the two anthologies that brought us to these books:

Embroidered Worlds, Fantastic Fiction from Ukraine and the Diaspora, Edited by: Valya Dudycz Lupescu, Olha Brylova, Iryna Pasko, photos of each, in bold: We Create, cover description: An image of the Hutsul elder and folk singer Chukutykha, embellished in brightly colored fantastical garments, evoking feelings of past and future.

Embroidered Worlds: Fantastic Fiction from Ukraine and the Diaspora, edited by Valya Dudycz Lupescu, Olha Brylova, and Iryna Pasko, published by Atthis Arts

A desperate trek through the icy canyons of Mars, a doll-sized family with giant-sized opinions, a defiant princess whose fate must remain a secret… Welcome to the wild, colorful, and ever-blossoming landscapes of the Ukrainian imagination. Embroidered Worlds presents a bold glimpse into fantastic storytelling throughout Ukrainian culture, from science fiction, fantasy, and horror to slipstream, fairy tales, and more.

This collection gathers 30 short stories from writers living in wartime Ukraine, their work translated into English for the very first time, as well as from international authors of Ukrainian heritage. Come, now, and experience the magic, the terror, and the wonder-filled surprises of the worlds they’ve brought to life.

“Bold and brave, its stories are a testament to the role of storytelling and remembering in Ukrainian culture. More so, Embroidered Worlds is a reminder to the world that Ukrainians do, and always will, exist.”—Nicole Yurcaba, Chytomo

Authors/Translators/Artists: A.D.Sui, Alla Perminova, Anatoly Belilovsky, Askold Melnyczuk, Bogi Takács, Clarie Haffner, David Demchuk, Elizabeth Bear, Éva Berniczky, Gari Light, Halyna Lipatova, Hanna Leliv, Ihor Silivra, Iryna Pasko, Károj D. Balla, Kateryna Darchyk, Konstantin Boulich, Max Kidruk, Michael Naydan, Mykhailo Nazarenko, Myroslava Hornostayeva, N. R. M. Roshak, Oksana Katsanivska, Oleh Silin, Oleksiy Gedeonov, Olena Krasnoselska, Oleskiy Zhupansky, Olha Brylova, Ostap Ukrainets, R.B. Lemberg, Stefan O. Rak, Svetlana Lavochkina, Svitlana Taratorina, Taras Kopansky, Tatyana Adamenko, Tetiana Savchynska, Valya Dudycz Lupescu, Vasyl Dukhnovskyi, Vira Balatska, Volodymyr Arenev, Yaryna Katorozh, Yuriy Vynnychuk.

Mothersound, Magical Storytelling from Africa and the Diaspora, The First Sauútiverse Book, Published by Android Press, Edited by: Wole Talabi (Wole's photo), in bold: Sound as Power, cover description: A cover of dark space glows with planets, clouds, spirits, a city, and the silhouette of a strongly standing feminine figure.

Mothersound:The Sauútiverse Anthology, edited by Wole Talabi, published by Android Press

This anthology presents the first set of stories written in a The Sauútiverse, a fictional shared world based on a blend of African cultural worldviews. Edited by Locus award nominated editor Wole Talabi with contributions from around the African continent and diaspora, Mothersound is filled with wonder, mystery, and magic.

“The Sauútiverse project...aims to rival other popular science-fantasy properties, such as George R.R. Martin’s Wild Cards universe, with a grounding in African culture and a depth of imagination...this feels like the start of something monumental.”—Publishers Weekly

Authors/Artists: Eugen Bacon, Tobias S. Buckell, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Stephen Embleton, Dare Segun Falowo, Fabrice Guerrier, T.L. Huchu, Somto Ihezue, Adelehin Ijasan, Akintoba Kalejaye, Cheryl S. Ntumy, Eye Kay Nwaogu, Xan Van Rooyen, Wole Talabi, J. Umeh.

About Our Small Press

We are a family-run small independent publisher out of Detroit, Michigan. Our core publishing values are authenticity, thoughtfulness, and community, described in more detail on our website, and our primary hope of kindness, to ourselves and each other.

We stand with our values:

Black Lives Matter
Black Trans Lives Matter
Protect Trans People
Anti-racism. Anti-colonialism. Anti-transphobia. Anti-ableism.
Body Autonomy is Essential
Support Libraries
Слава Україні
فلسطين حرة
Be Kind to Yourself and Each Other

We honor and are mindful of our presence on the lands of the Three Fires Confederacy and Black Detroit.


What's The Buzz?


Featured as the Top Project by BackerKit - on 9 October!

Announcement from Chytomo, the largest independent media covering journalism and publishing in Ukraine, and in this time of continued invasion (Also in Ukrainian)

Q&A between the British Fantasy Society and E.D.E. Bell

The Campaign

Thank you so much to everyone who's pre-ordered these books already. You literally keep the lights on for us. Endless thanks to Atthis Arts, an indie press working tirelessly to fight the good fight. Ihor Mysiak dedicated his book to a friend killed in the Russia-Ukraine war. He was then killed as well... This is the only novel he ever got to write. Our time here is finite and precious. May we use it well. —Cheryl S. Ntumy, author of Songs for the Shadows

This publisher always does such good and important work, you will not regret supporting these books. —Jennifer Lee Rossman, author of Blue Incarnations

Please support these books and this small press. —Richard Lee Byers, author of Forgotten Realms novels

The Factory

The novel The Factory was published in the time of full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine; back then many Ukrainians left their homes in search of a safe place, their shelter from the war. And Ihor's novel also wandered around the world, together with Ukrainians. My husband's friends sent him photos of his book from different parts of the world, and Ihor was happy that The Factory saw the light of day and visited countries where we had not yet been. Today, this novel was published in English, which means that more people will read it and it will also travel, as my husband Ihor and I loved to do. Ihor would be very happy with this news. It was his little dream that came true. Memory lives longer on paper. Ihor lives in his texts and in our hearts. Thank you for reading this novel about life. —Maryna Mysiak, wife of the late poet, Ihor Mysiak

Добра ніч, dear friends. Atthis Arts will be delivering another Ukrainian literature gem in November! You can support their efforts by backing THE FACTORY at their BackerKit. #StandwithUkraine & keep reading more Ukrainian literature. - Nikola Yurtsaba, professor and book reviewer

Songs for the Shadows

Vivid, immersive and otherworldly. Songs for the Shadows takes us on a journey into the depths of shifting sound and reality, and connecting with that which can both destroy and heal us. Time shaped by sound, sound out of time, this is a novella that builds to an emotional crescendo. —Stephen Embleton, 2024 Best Novella Nommo Award Winner

The Sauúti Shared World is expanding. Go get this beautiful Sauútiverse novella about grief and time. —Wole Talabi, Nommo Winner Emeritus and author of Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon

The Love

Campaign shared out by: A.D. Sui author of The Dragonfly Gambit, Adelehin Ijasan Sauútiverse co-founder, Ava Kelly author of Alia Terra: Stories from the Dragon Realm, Devan Barlow author of An Uncommon Curse, Eliane Boey author of Club Contango, Eugen Bacon author of Serengotti, Indrapramit Das Lambda and Shirley Jackson Award winner and author of The Last Dragoners of Bowbazar, Jacqueline Nyathi Harare Review of Books, Jen Donohue author of Exit Ghost, Jennifer Crispin editor at Dancing Star Press, Jennifer Lee Rossman author of Blue Incarnations, Joyce Chng Hugo Winner and author of Fire Heart, Kate Heartfield author of The Embroidered Book, Kella Campbell author of the Smidge series, Linda D. Addison five-time Bram Stoker Winner and author of How to Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend, Maria Haskins SFFH writer and reviewer, Matt Forbeck award-winning author and game designer, Matt Spencer illustrator, SFF Minerva Cerridwen author of The Dragon of Ynys, Nikola Yurtsaba professor and book reviewer, Patricia E. Matson writer editer journalist and Skiffy and Fanty contributor, Paul Weimer Multiple Hugo Winner, Queen of Swords Press, Richard Lee Byers author of Forgotten Realms novels, R.S.A. Garcia author of The Nightward, S.E. Lindberg Managing Editor at Black Gate, Stephen Embleton 2024 Best Novella Nommo Award Winner, The Sauúti Collective, Sloth & Envy Press, Speculative Insight Journal, Valya Dudycz Lupescu author of The Silence of Trees, Ty Schalter professional writer and talker, Wole Talabi Nommo Winner Emeritus and author of Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon, Xan van Rooyen author of Waypoint Seven, Zig Zag Claybourne author of The Khumalo Trilogy.

The Business

Some important notes about using BackerKit:

Shipping is handled separately. After the campaign, when you check-out, you will pay for any necessary shipping.

Shipping Estimates:

Global one book $12, Global three books, $16*, USA one book $6, USA four books $9, * Copies of Mothersound and the Alyssia Hardcovers (add-ons) ship from the U.S. - expect shipping to be high ($20-30 for one book) with potential VAT/Duty required. Contact for estimates.

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Itchy Money

Got a little extra money that's itchy to get to a good place? Or you like the idea of putting it to good? Here are some friends who could use it. Every $3, $5, $100 really does help. Please don't let a small amount stop you - that's how the love works!


Thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you. So much.

This is not a routine or standard campaign.

These books mean so much to their communities.

These are good books. We hope they'll mean a lot to you!

However you support us, your support helps the success of these important books and keeps our press moving forward. Really can't overstate how much this campaign means to us.

With my whole heart for your presence and trust,
♥ - Emily.
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