Project Update: Surveys + Pre-Order Store LIVE + Cougar Plush Toy!!!
Hello, everyone! I hope you are doing well! I have good news!!!! I was going to launch on Friday but I couldn't wait, sooo...
Surveys are LIVE!
You should be receiving a survey through the email used when you backed this campaign!
Through the survey, you can submit your shipping address, select the pin(s)/ and/or plush toy(s) you would like, and even add on additional items to your pledge! You will also be asked to pay for shipping.
Please note that we will collect payment for shipping and/or additional add-ons on June 1st, so plan accordingly!
Pre-Order Store OPEN
If you missed the campaign, no worries! The pre-order store is open so you can secure the items you wish! It is open for a limited time so don't wait too long!
Cougar Plush Stretch Goal
As promised, here is a potential plush that we can unlock through the add-on store and pre-order store! We need 50 orders in order to get these produced! We will only collect payment once 50 orders have been reached AND prototype is finished, so there is no risk!
The plush is currently in the prototyping phase and of course, once the prototype is approved, I will make another update and update the listing with the photos as well!
What do you think?!
You can back for the Cougar plush through the Survey add-on store OR the Pre-Order store!
The plush is currently in the prototyping phase and of course, once the prototype is approved, I will make another update and update the listing with the photos as well!
What do you think?!
You can back for the Cougar plush through the Survey add-on store OR the Pre-Order store!
Patreon Perk
Anyone who pledges $5+ on Patron will be elligible for a FREE bandana + secret sticker! In order to qualify, you must remain a Patreon until at least June. In addition to these freebies, you can see behind-the-scenes photos of what I am working on, concepts, Patreon-only goods, and much more!