Project Update: Adult Wolf Concept Art!
Hi, everyone!
Hope you're having a good week! Thank you all SO MUCH for continuing to back this project and showing your love! I am so so touched by all your kind words and anticipation! You are all the best!
Hope you're having a good week! Thank you all SO MUCH for continuing to back this project and showing your love! I am so so touched by all your kind words and anticipation! You are all the best!
Adult Wolves
Here are concept pieces for an adult Wolf I made last year, while designing the Wolf Pups! I may adjust here and there but I wanted to share with you all! It makes me so happy that you all want to see plush toys of the adults! Wolf Pup was created in order to explore more illustrations of family bonds, as well as the anxiety of big family gatherings. I had so much fun designing so many family members so I hope I can get you all excited. I would love to design plush toys of the parents, grand parents, and more!
I especially want to design a big brother wolf plush, since my own brother (only 32 years old) passed away, and I designed the character with him in mind when he was still with us. I hope these wolves can also provide you all comfort if your loved ones are not near you or no longer here.
What do you think???
If we unlock Aspen Coyote then I would love to make at least one adult as a stretch goal at $50,000 maybe? I will get an exact cost ASAP from the manufacturer! I hope to make the adults a bit large, which makes them good for cuddling!
Thank you so much, everyone! And thank you for joining the pack!!!