Wow, over 500 of you are here in support of this project and I am so so grateful!
🪵 Mini Pin Unlocked!
I am soo so delighted to announce that we unlocked the FREE mini pin tier! That means any backer who pledged $15+ will automatically receive this tiny little friend in their package! If your plush toy has to stay home but you still want to bring along a friend, then this pin is perfect for you!
A small, smiling friend that wants to follow along!
🪵 Raccoon Stretch Goal!
The next stretch goal is... unlocking a brand new friend.. Raccoon! They may be mischievous and pull too many pranks but Raccoon is a friend to the end! They also want to share their (totally not stolen) trinkets with you!
The prototype is actually on its way to me now and once it arrives, I will be taking a ton of photos to show all of you guys! <3 I hope you are all excited!
Raccoon Friend unlocks at $30,000! Can we do it before the end of the week? Let's all do our best!
🪵 And that is not all.. more friends coming!
Since we are unlocking goals quickly, I wanted to leave the next animal up to you all!
Which animal do you want to see made into a plush and join Wolf Pup & Friends?? Comment below!
In the next update, I will be making a poll with your comments to see which animal will be the next critter! In the mean time, I will begin doodling some ideas and will also share next update, as well as more color ideas for the next Wolf Pup plush!
I will also be adjusting the stretch goals a bit to see if we can unlock BOTH a new critter and new colorway for $40k-ish so.. stay tuned!
Thank you all SO MUCH for supporting this project! I am so so so so so grateful for all of you and believing in me!