Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Mothersound: The Sauútiverse Anthology by Android Press .
Iron Circus Comics
36,637 FollowersIndiginerds: Tales From Modern Indigenous Life
Indiginerds collects work from over a dozen Indigenous artists and writers! From gaming to social media, pirateradio to garagebands, Star Trek to D&D, all the way to missed connections and drama at the pow-wow, Indigenous culture is growing and vibrant!
$46,001 🎉of $20,0001,681backers
Atthis Arts
1,307 FollowersThe Factory - Songs for the Shadows - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana
The Factory by Ihor Mysiak - Songs For the Shadows by Cheryl S. Ntumy - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana
$4,993 🎉of $1,000178backers
Iron Circus Comics
36,637 FollowersFailure to Launch
Failure to Launch is a light-hearted, non-fiction tour of (so far!) unrealized technological and societal advances promised in years past, but which never came to be. What could have been, but wasn't.
$65,910 🎉of $20,0002,469backers
Coyote & Crow Games
10,019 FollowersCoyote & Crow: Stories of the Free Lands
Stories of the Free Lands is the first expansion for Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game. Stories from ten Indigenous authors and ten artists fully compatible with the RPG. You'll also be able to get our new dice game, Naasii, and our Story Guide Screen!
$172,960 🎉of $30,0002,417backers
Cephalofair Games
109,047 FollowersGloomhaven Grand Festival
We invite you to join the celebration and check out the latest in the city of Gloomhaven. From Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs, Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game, Miniatures of Gloomhaven, Gloomhaven: Second Edition and more, there is something for everyone.
$5,053,380 🎉of $2,000,00034,691backers
William C. Tracy
697 FollowersLesbians in Space: The Anthology (Where No Man Has Gone Before)
You've asked for it, so Space Wizard provides. Here is the long-anticipated Lesbians In Space Anthology!
$10,823 🎉of $4,000332backers
Iron Circus Comics
36,637 FollowersSmut Peddler X & My Monster Girlfriend
Two collections of classy porn for classy ladies and folks of distinguished taste!
$193,381 🎉of $20,0003,998backers
Iron Circus Comics
36,637 FollowersLackadaisy: What Comes Next. Books, Plushes, and Animation!
Help us kick off SEASON ONE of the animated Lackadaisy! Plus, get your hands on hardcover reissues of Lackadaisy in print, and plushies, too!
$2,008,728 🎉of $125,00016,053backers
1,665 FollowersBeating Hearts & Battle-Axes
Sword. Sorcery. Sizzle. This brand new anthology features six authors telling spicy Sword & Sorcery stories with a romantic relationship at their heart.
$8,281 🎉of $5,500326backers
150,241 FollowersWords of Radiance Leatherbound by Brandon Sanderson
Words of Radiance, the second in Brandon Sanderson's epic series The Stormlight Archive, arrives in leatherbound! You can also join in for a New Secret Project, Dragonsteel Prime, The Way of Kings Prime (Second Edition), spren plushies, and more!
$23,756,818 🎉of $2,000,000102,089backers
Green Ronin Publishing
25,808 FollowersThe Fifth Season Roleplaying Game
N.K. Jemisin’s multiple Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy comes to tabletop RPGs in The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!
$175,640 🎉of $50,0002,124backers
1,665 FollowersNew Edge Sword & Sorcery 2024
Sword & Sorcery magazine featuring short fiction, non-fiction, and gorgeous art. Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Luxurious hardcover, classic softcover, and accessible digital formats.
$34,476 🎉of $17,450710backers
Sloane Leong
618 FollowersDEATH IN THE MOUTH: Original Horror from the Margins
DEATH IN THE MOUTH: Original Horror from the Margins is an illustrated horror anthology showcasing BIPOC and other ethnically marginalized writers and artists from around the world.
$8,945of $45,000199backers
The Story Engine
9,315 FollowersThe Story Engine: Lore Master's Deck
Lore Master's Deck is the ultimate creative jumpstarter for writers, game masters, and worldbuilders who want to fill their stories with rich, interconnected lore.
$506,282 🎉of $75,0003,741backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,320 FollowersStewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern is a collection of small games for groups of three or more players. You play a retired adventurer running a tavern and settling down in a town. Put down the sword and pick up the ladle.
$202,090 🎉of $30,0004,519backers
Exalted Funeral Press
54,850 FollowersOur Golden Age (OGA): An Ultraviolet Grasslands RPG []equel
Experience fantascience roleplaying at the end of time. Escape the end of history. The eternal civilization is perfect. So say the gods, the machines. Will you defy the endless circle of awakening and forgetting? Can you kick a hole through the sky?
$489,412 🎉of $50,0004,071backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,320 FollowersGirl by Moonlight
A game about the tragic struggles and defiant triumphs of a group of magical girls resisting an oppressive society. Girl by Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, and the transcendent power of relationships and community.
$266,206 🎉of $30,0005,486backers
Pandion Games
2,415 FollowersBadger + Coyote and their Daring Adventures: The cozy two-player TTRPG!
Play as Badger and Coyote in this asymmetric, two-player tabletop roleplaying game of mischief and miscommunication.
$14,182 🎉of $2,500348backers
Greater Than Games
57,772 FollowersSpirit Island: Nature Incarnate
The next expansion of the award winning settler destruction game, Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate brings the fight to the Invaders with new spirits, mechanics, and more.
$1,199,947 🎉of $40,00011,895backers
Wehrlegig Games
12,800 FollowersMolly House
From designers Jo Kelly and Cole Wehrle comes a game of queer joy and betrayal in 18th century London. Experience this immersive historical board game from the creators behind Pax Pamir and John Company.
$288,250 🎉of $50,0003,569backers
Tuesday Knight Games
31,637 FollowersMothership: WAGES OF SIN
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
$483,428 🎉of $50,0006,018backers
Tim Hutchings
14,497 FollowersSo You've Met A Thousand Year Old Vampire
You're a regular person who has made the acquaintance of a dangerous unnatural creature. Are you a friend, a lover, food, or something else? This solo tabletop role-playing game is a direct sequel to the award-winning Thousand Year Old Vampire!
$284,129 🎉of $45,0004,108backers
Rowan, Rook and Decard
23,349 FollowersHOLLOWS - TTRPG Boss Fights Done Right
Plunge into the nightmare realms of Hollows and slay other people's personal demons. Hollows' unique tactical combat system allows for dynamic positioning and tactical gambits, and makes combat spectacular.
£252,583 🎉of £75,0002,843backers
5,101 FollowersTEGN - Redux
TEGN - Redux is a new way to experience the trilogy by Even Mehl Amundsen. We added new art and stories, combined the three books into one big volume, and rearranged and reduced the existing content in a more cohesive way. TEGN, as it was supposed to be!
€68,950 🎉of €20,000636backers
Crossed Paths
16,469 FollowersThe Covens of Midnight - A Tarot-Based GM-less Solo RPG
Become a student at The Midnight Court, a College for the Arcane. This is GM-less Journalling TTRPG that uses Tarot and Card Divination to unlock your fate.
£337,194 🎉of £1,5004,504backers