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TEGN - Redux

TEGN - Redux

TEGN - Redux is a new way to experience the trilogy by Even Mehl Amundsen. We added new art and stories, combined the three books into one big volume, and rearranged and reduced the existing content in a more cohesive way. TEGN, as it was supposed to be!
€68,950 🎉
of €20,000
Project Ended
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Welcome to the world of TEGN, the universe that came from the experiment of making a piece of art for an entire year, accompanied by a little story. In 2017 the artist Even Mehl Amundsen embarked on a journey that eventually became its own world, with its own magic and its own characters, and characters are Even's specialty.

The new 400 page edition

Now that the TEGN trilogy is almost sold out, we decided to not just reprint it but instead create something new: a cohesive narrative that exchanged parts of the journey to make room for additional material and also allows this book to be a prequel to a much bigger universe. TEGN - Redux is a story now told in a new way and with new characters.

The previous editions of TEGN

If you missed out on the three TEGN books, or even if you are curious about this refreshed opus, this is your chance to get your copy. A true collector's item is now also available as a Premium Edition, in a slipcase and signed by the artist. We also added highly limited rewards that include a sketch in the book and separate artwork.

"366 days, 366 sketches telling 366 stories, some smaller, some greater."

With this sentence, the first campaign started in 2017. For Even, it meant the beginning of a journey that might last his entire life and likely will develop a life on its own. For Spiridon, it was the first campaign that launched his career as a designer of artbooks, later followed by 19 more campaigns with other artists, and with the second and third books of TEGN, his longtime partnership with Éditons Caurette began.

If you’re the kind to enjoy The Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones), then you might well get a kick out of Tegn. It is a story vibrant with relatable characters, ancient trollery, and battles as epic as the ones from our own history. Even Amundsen's passion for believable worldbuilding and accurate armory, military strategy, and cultural constructs enriches the fantastic setting, making it inviting and enchanting. Follow the storylines of Birker the Dwarf and his companions, of Ayaan the aspiring warrior, of Tyrev the young Raider, and explore the ancient Elven kingdoms and their society built around the symbiosis with the ancient spirits of the Growe. These are but a few of countless stories happening in the Tegn universe, pruned and curated into Tegn - Redux, collecting the introductions to dozens of character arcs, legends, and settings, laying the foundation for a greater story, still in the writing

How ironic, that the first campaign here on Backerkit, is the same story that initiated everything. TEGN, Even's universe filled with his ideas on worldbuilding, concept art, and character design captivated thousands of readers throughout the years and now reached the tipping point that demands the story to be retold in one volume, as it was intended to be in the very beginning.


Even Mehl Amundsen is a freelance concept artist from Norway who has worked for studios like Karakter, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Riot, Axis Animation, Blur, Guerilla Games, Wizards of the Coasts, Volta, and many more. Besides that, he has been working on his own world shown in TEGN. He travels a lot, teaching what he has learned in workshops and giving advice to newcomers. He is also teaching his process and approach through YouTube videos, his Patreon account, and live streams on Twitch.

Image by

I like to play. That is the best reason I know for drawing anything at all; to play. I've been quite serious about it since I was shouting at the other kids for not playing correctly as we ran around in kindergarten, and nothing much has changed since then, except the tools have become fancier, and the rules have become a lot more intricate.

I play by making worlds, stories, characters, and things, and my toys are pens and stylus, procreate, and imagination. My game consists of weaving worlds that work, like our own, but different, and letting the characters and creatures make magic by bringing the world to life, making little stories of their own. It is the most fun I know how to have, and I would love to share it if you want to play along.

- Even Mehl Amundsen

The Standard Edition of TEGN - Redux comes in a hardcover bound book with a rounded spine and with 400 pages, printed on offset paper. The format is 214 x 280 mm.

The design has been improved to fit the narrative without impacting the presentation of the artwork, and the entire story was rearranged and edited to give you a more cohesive experience while you dive into Even's universe of dwarves, elves, and dragons.


The Premium Edition of Tegn - Redux comes with a slipcase and a bookplate signed by the artist. With 400 pages this book's slipcase is made to last and to protect your copy.

This edition will not be available in bookshops after this campaign, so make sure to grab your copy!

Additionally to the Premium Edition, you can get your hands on highly limited rewards such as a sketch in the book or a more detailed artwork made with ink on a separate piece of museum-level paper. It is likely that these pledges will be gone very fast so don't wait too long to pledge on these rewards levels!

These editions will have tracked shipping by default and cheaper untracked shipping is not optional.


We have a number of stretch goals. A healthy mix of different goodies and we hope you will enjoy them. Of course, we very much hope that you will help us unlock them all! Visuals of these extras will be revealed in the updates after the campaign. Please keep in mind that the items, as well as the enhancements, are not for post-campaign books!

  1. We reach €35000 everyone gets a free vinyl sticker
  2. If we reach €45000 all backers get a free print
  3. The campaign reaches €55000 unlocks a free bookmark
  4. And if we reach €65000 you get another print

If it happens that we pass the last stretch goal, we will make sure to add more and maybe you can even help us decide which ones to pick.

Together with the book you can get a selection of print goodies we, fittingly, call 'the Swag Pack'. Included in the pack are:

  • 4 prints in the format A4
  • 4 prints in the format A5
  • 4 Postcards

You can find these under Add-ons and these will be exclusively available during the campaign!

Aside from the Swag pack you can also add Even's sketchbook called DECADE which is a curated selection from 1500 scans from sketchbooks going back 10 years. The book was recently reprinted and is now also available through this campaign.

Of course you can also add more copies of TEGN - Redux in the two available editions.

The A(rtbook)-Team is made up of Spiridon and Éditions Caurette. For years we have been teaming up to create high-quality artbooks for collectors. We worked together on projects including Bastien Lecouffe Deharme, Even Mehl Amundsen, Björn Hurri, Kim Jung Gi, Katsuya Terada, Abigail Larson, Jesper Ejsing, and many more. In 2019, we successfully launched a trilogy of artbooks for adults called #hardcover.

Jean-Christophe Caurette, Spiridon Giannakis and Marine Charmasson

Spiridon Giannakis started his graphic design career in 2006 and became a freelancer in 2013. Having been a collector of artbooks himself, now he could work directly with artists he admired and help them put their work in a frame in the form of art publications. Since then he collaborated with numerous artists, events, and studios, using his network to cultivate the creative community by being a matchmaker for the entertainment industry. You can check out his reviews for artbooks on YouTube and join Patreon for a closer look into his work.

Team Caurette

After studying trade, Jean-Christophe Caurette worked for Microsoft for two years and then produced corporate movies for twenty years. He met world-famous Korean illustrator Kim Jung Gi in 2012 and “accidentally” became his agent. That (and growing up reading Astérix, Tintin, Lucky Luke, and Gaston Lagaffe and Les Oiseaux du Maître by Christin and Mézières) led him to establish his own publishing house in 2016. With his company Éditions Caurette he now mainly publishes artbooks by well-known illustrators and contemporary painters.

For the first time, we feel the necessity to have a statement about the use of A.I. generated "art". Neither Éditions Caurette, Spiridon nor the artists collaborating with us condone the use of these generators and we will always take a clear stance against the unethical use of these. We stand with our fellow creators and believe that crowdfunding platforms should take a more clear stance regarding that matter and will continue to fight for the rights of creators


Shipping will be collected after the campaign through the surveys. We are again offering worldwide shipping. All parcels will be untracked (hence the low cost), except for the ones shipped to France and those that will have original art/sketches in them. If you wish for your pledge to be shipped with tracking, please contact noah[at]caurette[dot]com and mention your backer number and the book. As you might have guessed, tracking costs extra. Usually, this is not necessary for central Europe or North America, but it is, of course, your call.

Here is an overview of the costs you can expect:
EU: 15-20€ (untracked) and 30-35€ (tracked)
Non-EU: 25-30€ (untracked) and 60-65€ (tracked)
Additional cost per Add-On-book: 5-7€ (untracked)

Shipping costs are likely to go up in the next year. So for now we can only give an estimation. Please mind that the book alone is 2.5 kilos when you evaluate if it is worth the cost.

Please be aware that we currently can't send parcels to Russia.

Worldwide shipping is scheduled to start in Summer 2024. Until then, you will be able to add your shipping address via the survey, which will be sent out close to the shipping date. Usually, our books are shipped faster but the global paper shortage and the labor crisis slapped us with longer delivery times, I hope that you understand that this is out of our control.

IMPORTANT: Please note that activity on this campaign will be locked exactly 1 year after it concludes. As such, any backers who do not submit their shipping details survey by May 2024 will lose their claim to any campaign rewards and their pledge will be treated as a donation to the campaign. This is due to the fact that storing unclaimed items costs us additional taxes, insurance, and stock fees unaccounted for in the campaign. We will make sure to update and remind you about this regularly on multiple platforms, including here on Backerkit. Please make sure to check your spam folder regularly.

If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project