4 months ago

Project Update: First Stretch Goal: Unlocked!!!

We did it again! Thanks to the amazing 29 of you, we reached our first stretch goal of me sharing which actors and actresses played the characters in my mind when I was writing. And you don't even have to wait for the campaign to be over, I included it below ;) (for backers only, of course!)

I am so grateful to everyone who has contributed, followed, shared, or just been encouraging during this crazy process. Booktopia has been an exciting adventure, and I am learning so much about what you guys are interested in and how to use crowdfunding platforms to not only make the best book projects, but also to build the strongest connections with those who would like to read the books. (I'm also always open to suggestions if there are swag items or stretch goals you'd like to see, maybe even characters you want to hear more about)

Our next achievements are twofold, which gives us a better chance of hitting more stretch goals before the campaign ends in a little over a week (eight days, if we're being specific).

First, once we reach 35 individual backers, I will include the book's timeline in the duet. Since Alison and Tristan aren't always together, it might be helpful to have a reference of what happens when, and for anyone who read the Owens Chronicles (Prophecy, Destiny, and Legacy) this is a way you can figure out how much time has gone by since we last saw Lucy, Gabriel, and everyone else ;)

Second, once we hit 1250$, the Duet will get awesome chapter headers (one for Alison and one for Tristan) from @mynameisjehhtattoo <3 So far they look really cool!

Once, thank you all for being here, and if you have a chance, you can check out all the other incredible booktopia projects here.

Happy reading!


Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
Once we hit 1250, all books will include two custom chapter headers by Jehh Tattoo. One for Tristan, and one for Alison!
Goal: C$1,250 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Since there are two POVs and this takes place after the Owens Chronicles, once we hit 35 backers, I will include a timeline of the book's events ;)
Goal: 35 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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