First, I wanted to mention that late backing is ending soon! We'll be looking towards making the print order pretty quickly after closing it, so if you are interested, please get in now. We won't be selling the print book in retail—we're only printing and fulfilling through this Backerkit. So if you'd like a copy, now's your chance.
I finished up putting together the character sheets, one for each path. They contain all of the talents on them for easy reference, as well as check boxes and such for talents that need tracking. Take a look!
At this point, the game is very playable and we've had several groups on the Discord playing campaigns, as well as some running successful solo campaigns and a rather involved PBP campaign that I've had the pleasure of keeping an eye on. It's been quite encouraging to see!
WAS FÜR SPIELE has taken on translating Grimwild into German! They're working right alongside our development, so their version of the game will roll out soon after ours. They're super active in the con scene within Germany and it's exciting to have such a passionate group of roleplayers interested in the game. They'll be bringing the game to Backerkit as well to get funds for a print edition! Follow along here:
While it's still on the horizon, we've dove well into concepting and art for our next game, The Wild Frontier of Venture. In it, we take the Moxie system honed with Grimwild and apply it to a new weird west setting we're cooking up!
In The Wild Frontier of Venture, you play as a crew of drifters, roaming a rugged, weird world with purpose in mind and gun in hand. On Venture, you can't run away from your problems—but that just means they can't run from you, either.
A century back, a meteor brought the first bloodstone to the homeworld of Reverie, sparking a new era of discovery and ambition. The power of that single, remarkable crystal was harnessed to fuel a new breed of trains that could traverse the Wayline between worlds, spurring expansion across the Astralis Reach in pursuit of new lands—and more bloodstone.
It's illustrated by Per Janke, who did all of the work for Grimwild. It's been great working with him! If you're interested, please follow along on the Backerkit. Just as with Grimwild, we'll only be fulfilling physical copies through the crowdfunding process.
Anyway, thanks! Hope everyone gets a chance to check out Grimwild.