9th Level Games
5 months ago

Project Update: All Hallows Update - Death to the Witchlords

9th Level's writers and designers have been hard at work at a variety of things, including moving forward with the many threads that make up CITY OF SKULL. Here's a quick update on some of the action - and a BONUS sneak peek at one of the CLASSES from the upcoming book.

Mazes News

Mazes continues to grow and adapt - with new features like ALCHEMY VTT play and coverage and inclusion in the latest DWARVEN FORGE miniatures scenery project.  https://gamefound.com/en/projects/dwarven-forge/dungeons-reforged

*Check out a LIVE PLAY featuring 9LG's PATRICK CLAPP - the MAZE ARCHITECT - doing a live play on Saturday with the good folks from Dwarven Forge featuring an all new module based on a design of their terrain by Patrick! http://twitch.tv/dwarvenforgelive

Writers Summit

The team behind the CITY OF SKULL got together for an extended retreat to do writing and editing.  The team has found to be effective to get everyone in the same room to hash out ideas that cross from one book to another. At the last summit, a chunk of rules content - originally going to be in the BEYOND CITY OF SKULL book has been moved to the main City of Skull book - and a decision was made to get the original HEX CRAWL rules out there for people to play with - you can download them NOW. CLICK HERE!


"The Grim Skulltaker"

Thanks for your support, 
9th Level Games 





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