Cephalofair Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Full Funded!

Good day! I hope you are having a wonderful Friday so far. We certainly are over at Cephalofair because this project is officially funded! Stuff all that confetti back into the cannons and launch them again, because it's time to celebrate! Like I've said before, we've got so much more to share over the coming weeks, so we are happy to get over that initial funding hurdle and bring on more awesome stuff!

Speaking of, I need to rectify a mistake we made at the start of the campaign: we forgot Forgotten Circles! Well, we didn't exactly forget it, but enough people have spoken up about want it, that we've decided to do another printing and add it to this campaign as an add-on. Feel free to add it to you pledge for $30!

For those not aware, Forgotten Circles is an expansion to the first edition of Gloomhaven, and we have no plans for updating it. That said, it is more-or-less combatable with the second edition of Gloomhaven as well, with a little wonkiness (for full details on that wonkiness, you can read this BGG thread). It is out of print currently, so we decided this is as good a time as any to spin up another print run. This will be the same version that was available during the Frosthaven Kickstarter, with a handful of typo fixes.

But that's not all we forgot from Forgotten Circles! The Diviner class from this expansion also has three summons that are not listed in the Forgotten Circles miniature set. We will be rectifying that, so that box will contain three more miniatures for those summons. Yay, more miniatures!


Yesterday, Drew, Dennis, and I had a nice Reddit AMA on r/boardgames, and then went and streamed another scenario from Gloomhaven: Second Edition. We decided to use some of the locked classes: Lightning Bolts, Saw, and Triangles, so slight spoilers there, but if you are interested in seeing how the new version of those play, or just want to see me fumble around and get damaged a bunch again, you can watch parts 1 and 2.

Today, we're streaming Adam from Tabletop Minions painting some of our miniatures on the main page. That started at 8am PST and will be running for another hour. We've actually had a lot of great painters checking out the Miniatures of Gloomhaven during the campaign. In this sponsored video with Ninjon, Jon paints some while sharing techniques and tips to bring out detail and colors.

In addition, it's Friday, so it's time for another Fireside Chat at 4pm PST. Should be a good way to finish out the week and slide on into the weekend. We might have on a special guest or two to talk more about Gloomhaven: Second Edition.

And finally, let us not forget that Friday is also puzzle day! We've got a new puzzle for the Tinkerer this time, which you can find at the bottom of the main page (use the navigation bar on the left to make it easier!).

I think that's about it for today. Once again, thank you all for believing in this project and loving Gloomhaven enough to empower us to make all this cool stuff for you. We're committed now, and it's going to be great! I hope you join me at the fireside this evening, but either way, have a great day and an even better weekend!





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