Thanks so much for making Dreams of Yesterday a reality!
Dreams of Yesterday

Dreams of Yesterday

Curate museum exhibits that can change the world and save the future, one artifact at a time, in this microgame by Heather O’Neill illustrated by Beth Sobel
$8,548 🎉
of $2,900
Project Ended
Ended on at





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In Dreams of Yesterday, you’ll compete with rival museums to build the best collection of fine art, ancient artifacts, and fossils. As the curator of your museum, you’ll use your money, prestige, and knowledge to obtain the best artifacts and create enticing exhibits.

But it’s not just about collecting the most valuable items. The unique layout of your museum allows you to activate powerful abilities that can rearrange your exhibits, flip cards, and transform resources. With easy to learn gameplay and fast-paced action, Dreams of Yesterday is the perfect game for museum lovers and tabletop gamers alike.

Dreams of Yesterday features set collection and a rondel (circle of action spaces) for 1-3 players in about 30 minutes. And you can add a second copy to play up to 6!

Dreams of Yesterday is the spinoff to Dreams of Tomorrow. If you want the full Dreams experience, be sure to add on a copy of our nearly sold-out Dreams of Tomorrow, as this will most likely be the last place you'll be able to get it!

Dreams of Tomorrow has been a fan favorite for many, and the video below illustrates why!


What's in the Game?


How To Play

Below is a How to Play video for Dreams of Yesterday:

Dreams of Yesterday Overview

At the start of the game, all players start with a double resource and one artifact for their museum. There are three types of resources: Money, Prestige, and Knowledge. There are also three types of Standard Artifacts as well as two types of Rare Artifacts. Each card can have a single resource or artifact or a double resource or artifact.

On a player's turn, they can move one or two spaces in the Histories for free, then they can take a resource or buy an artifact. Players may spend additional resources to flip cards or move additional spaces.

To finish their turn, the player draws a card from the deck, chooses a side, then places it in the space that they started in. The next player now starts from the new space!

Newly purchased artifacts are placed in your current exhibit or can be used to start a second exhibit. Artifacts can be placed at the beginning or end of an exhibit. If placed at the end of an exhibit, the artifact covers up the ability of the previous artifact and the player gains a new ability.

Artifact abilities can grant the player extra resources, more movement, free card flipping, and more!

There are two types of Rare Artifacts: Diverse Discoveries and Unusual Urns. Diverse Discoveries match the artifact type before AND after it, gaining the player additional impact. Unusual Urns can gain the player additional impact, as well, if their exhibit includes the specified artifacts. Urns also finish an exhibit; once an exhibit is finished, players can no longer add artifacts to it, and the exhibit no longer provides an ability.

The game ends when the Histories cannot be filled OR if a player finishes both of their exhibits by adding Unusual Urns to each. Exhibits are evaluated based on their impact by seeing how many consecutive identical artifacts are in each exhibit row, plus any impact added by Urns. The player with the most impactful exhibits wins!

Rules and Print and Play

The rules are here (the rules are not complete nor do they have graphic design):  Rules Link

The print and play is here (the print and play does not feature final artwork, graphic design, or final balancing):  Print and Play Link

Tabletop Simulator:

Player Count Differences 

Each additional player adds two cards to the Histories, for more card selection. One game of Dreams of Yesterday plays up to three, but add in a second copy of the game for 4 to 6 players. 
The Solo game plays much like the two player game, but with an added Robot player. The Robot takes resources and artifacts, so you must be vigilant to get what you need to make your museum great before the Robot takes everything you need! 


Stretch Goals


What People are Saying About Dreams of Yesterday


Pledge Levels


Dreams of Tomorrow

Dreams of Yesterday is a spinoff to Dreams of Tomorrow. It is the more portable version set in the same universe! Dreams of Tomorrow is similar, but supports additional players, involves players manipulating the play area, and has a ton of player interaction.

Below is a How to Play video for Dreams of Tomorrow:


You can check out the rules of Dreams of Tomorrow here:

Reviews of Dreams of Tomorrow



We are also printing another micro game, Motley!

Draw cards, pick your category, arrange a pattern, and see who can guess it first! Be warned, this motley collection of cards may leave you itching for more clues.

Motley is a portable party game of creating clever clues. Gameplay can be competitive or cooperative, but is always fast and fun!

See below on how a turn would work!

📃 You can read the rules* here!
🎮 You can play the Screentop version* here!

*Note: These are not the final versions of the game, and are subject to change.



We estimate that the shipping cost will be $5 for Dreams of Yesterday, regardless of where you live. Shipping will increase if you add any additional games or accessories. 

We will charge shipping after the campaign ends, however, as the $5 is currently an estimate. By charging shipping later, we are able to factor in your pledge tier, add-ons, and any additional fancy things that may occur during the campaign. 

We are planning on shipping this campaign with the Explosion in the Laboratory campaign. If you back both projects, the shipments will be combined and cheaper than if shipped separately. 

*We are currently not planning to ship to the following areas: Mexico, Brazil, and Russia.

Please keep in mind this is an estimate and there could be slight variations from country to country. Also, the more items you purchase, the more shipping will cost. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

To order a second copy of Dreams of Yesterday, add an additional $9 to your pledge with no additional shipping cost.

We are happy to discuss group orders, but these need to be handled on a country-by-country basis. Please send us an email to [email protected] including your country and the number of copies you'd like to start the conversation.



Weird Giraffe Games

Dreams of Yesterday is the thirteenth project by Weird Giraffe Games.

Weird Giraffe Games was founded to create games that are easy to learn and play, but layered with strategy.

The Dreams of Yesterday team is comprised of the following people:

We're looking forward to talking to you throughout this campaign and beyond! Please feel free to reach out to us directly, in the comments, or via a variety of methods on social media if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We would love to hear from you!



We would love to support game stores by offering the BackerKit versions of Dreams of Yesterday to retailers during the campaign. Back the project at the retailer level for $45, and we'll contact you closer to when we ship out rewards to get a count of games that you wish to get! An invoice will be sent to you before we ship your rewards.

Shipping is free for retailers in the US, and $20 for retailers in the rest of the world. Shipping will increase if more games are added to the order, as well. 
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project