Latest from the Creator
Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago
Shipping Continues!
Let us know if you haven't gotten all of your items by February 28th Remember how we said to let us know at the end of January if you haven't received your packages? Well... som...
Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago
Shipping Nearly Complete!
Shipping is nearly complete! If you completed your pledge manager after mid-November, your game will be in the second wave of shipments. I'm also still in the process of getting...
Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago
Nearly Shipped!
There's been a few delays but shipping is going to start so soon! In fact, if you ordered add-ons, you might have things on the way already! Turns out, not much happens during E...
Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago
Dreams of Yesterday Pledge Manager Information
Pledge Manager  Soon, you’ll receive an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this in...
Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago
June Update
The proof copy came in! I've been making fixes and running unguided playtests to make sure the rules and components are clear. One aspect that took longer than expected was ...
Weird Giraffe Games
almost 2 years ago
May Update
Things have been moving along with Dreams of Yesterday! I submitted the files to manufacturing and they've made the proof copy. They sent along some photos, too!   Manuf...
Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Shipping Continues!

Let us know if you haven't gotten all of your items by February 28th

Remember how we said to let us know at the end of January if you haven't received your packages? Well... some shipments are taking longer than expected, and others are pinballing from customs to customs and taking their sweet time to make their way to you.

So, rather than letting us know in a few days if you haven't gotten your items yet, please wait until February 28th to let us know. I'm very sorry about this, it's absolutely unanticipated and I'm constantly surprised by new fulfillment issues. You'd think with as many campaigns as I've fulfilled, and as many issues I've seen in the past, nothing would surprise me. But here we are!

This includes anyone who filled out their pledge manager after mid-November, as the second wave of shipments was submitted! 

Retailer orders

We've gotten messages from a handful of retailers following up on their orders. Please know they aren't lost or anything, we just haven't even reached out to you to finalize your orders yet. However, we'll be doing that soon. Thank you so much for being patient!

We have a discord server!

You're always more than welcome to reach out to ask questions or chat in the comments across this campaign, but if you want a quicker response or to see what's going on with Weird Giraffe Games, we'd love it if you join our server! We also have a several special events running now and starting soon that we'd love to have you take part in. You can join here.

Missing or Broken Parts

If you've received your order but it's incorrect, or if any of the pieces are broken or missing, please create a helpdesk ticket to let us know.

Ratings and Pictures

Two of the most meaningful things you can do for us after you play Dreams of Yesterday is to post a picture of yourself playing the game on social media or BGG and to rate the game on BGG. It's so amazing to see people having fun playing Dreams of Yesterday because it means we have brought you joy, which is why we make games! If you choose to post a picture, please tag us (@weirdgiraffes on twitter and Weird Giraffe Games on Facebook)!

We have loved hearing your stories, and it makes our day to know that you enjoy Dreams of Yesterday! I sincerely thank you for your sharing your kind words and thoughts.

You can rate Dreams of Yesterday by going to its Board Game Geek page here. Then, you can select how many stars you want to rate it. If you hover over the stars, it will give you a description of what each number means. I really appreciate you taking the time to rate Dreams of Yesterday!

In Conclusion

It's definitely been an adventure getting to this point, but everything is nearly done! Thanks for sticking with us for this long and I can't wait to hear what you think about the game! 

And as always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else please submit a help ticket, unless it's an issue with the pledge manager. In that case, go here:

- 🌙🌈🎆 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Shipping Nearly Complete!

Shipping is nearly complete! If you completed your pledge manager after mid-November, your game will be in the second wave of shipments. I'm also still in the process of getting add-ons sent out, as they're a particularly complicated process, but those should be finished by the end of January. 

If you don't receive your game by mid-January or your add-ons by the end of January, please fill out a helpdesk ticket. This is really the best way to contact us, as these create an email that goes to both me AND Beth and both of us check email more often than anything else. 

Missing or Broken Parts

If there's anything wrong with your game or it's missing any parts, please fill out a helpdesk ticket


We have a discord server! You can join here: If you're interested in talking about board games, game design & publishing, and future Weird Giraffe Games, you're more than welcome to join! You should especially join if you'd like to talk about time travel in games as I do have a number of games in progress in the Dreams universe. 

Thank You!

I especially want to thank everyone for being so incredibly patient in this process. It's definitely been a lot more than anticipated, between me getting COVID, needing surgery, and generally getting through 2023.  There were definitely more hiccups in the process than anticipated, but I appreciate all of you for your support throughout! 

If you have any questions or comments, definitely feel free to reach out!

Carla, Weird Giraffe Games

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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I just received the "Dreams of Tomorrow" (DoT) game along with the DoT - Awaken expansion cards taped to the top of the DoT game box. But I also paid for the "Dreams of Yesterday" game with promo pack, which was not included in this shipment. Will that be shipped separately?

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Nearly Shipped!

There's been a few delays but shipping is going to start so soon! In fact, if you ordered add-ons, you might have things on the way already! Turns out, not much happens during Essen (other than Essen), I'm basically allergic to Texas, and there's more than one holiday that makes things slower for manufacturing. 

At this point, I hope that shipping will start next week and take up to 2-3 weeks to get to you. However, sometimes things take a bit longer than you'd think, so it could be December before the games start shipping. The main thing we're waiting on now is for the games to get into the queue to start being shipped. 

If you're outside the US or in the US and didn't order add-ons, you should be getting one package. 

If you are in the US and ordered add-ons, you'll be getting between one and three packages. If you haven't gotten all your shipment in one package, don't worry! It could be coming separately. I've also started shipping add-ons and you could be getting them starting this weekend. It's not a for sure timeframe as I have a few places with the add-ons and they are being shipped from 4 different locations. (Yes, this shipping process is way more difficult than needed, but that's life and what happens when both I moved and my main warehouse changed recently.)

I do apologize for the lateness of this update! I had thought that shipping would start... then it didn't. For a month. But things happen and we are definitely closer now than we were! 

- 🌙🌈🎆 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games
user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Just wondering where we are with this, 2 months without an update and you were hoping to have started shipping by now.

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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