Build an unforgettable campaign setting! These decks offer inspiration through imaginative art, lists of evocative ideas, and simple sandbox/hex crawl guidelines. Plus Hex Minimap Tiles to build a map!
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
Two new Monster of the Week books to equip your Hunters with everything they need.
Our new game requires some dice and we have just the thing...
Experience fantascience roleplaying at the end of time. Escape the end of history. The eternal civilization is perfect. So say the gods, the machines. Will you defy the endless circle of awakening and forgetting? Can you kick a hole through the sky?
Eliminate the slog in your 5e combat, speed up play and maximize interesting, tactical choices for players and DMs.
A mega-dungeon that supports a full-year campaign. A legendary adventure considered by many to be one of the greatest of all time! Explore a thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved...
Embark on a journey through the cosmos with Visions of a Thousand Galaxies, a stunning collection of liquid core, sharp-edge dice that draws inspiration from the captivating colors and mesmerising sights of the universe.
Two new booklets for DCC/MCC RPG: One is a 0-level funnel adventure on the dark side of the Purple Planet—featuring a new class: Sentient Robot. The other has over 100 encounters to add dimension to your RPG wilderness travels on the Purple Planet.
An epic swords & planet hex crawl for DCC RPG! Your characters are cast across the cosmos to a foreign world. Left to die beneath a weirdling sun and its sickening rays, their survival depends as much upon a quick wit as a quick blade...
We're bringing Dungeon Crawl Classics to the Roll20 VTT platform!
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
Nothing feels better than rolling a giant foam dice!
The original book of old-school RPG traps returns for 5E and DCC RPG! A compendium of catastrophic traps, sinister snares, engines of evil, and deadly devices with with full game stats for a folio of fearful fates.
Game prep just got easier, and game night just got a whole lot more fun. Get 22 drop-in dungeons with dynamic combat encounters for 5e!
The Codex includes new content to bring different styles and settings to your Monster of the Week games. It’s written by Michael Sands and Marek Golonka, and being developed in partnership with Evil Hat Productions.
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!
Stories of the Free Lands is the first expansion for Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game. Stories from ten Indigenous authors and ten artists fully compatible with the RPG. You'll also be able to get our new dice game, Naasii, and our Story Guide Screen!