The BX Advanced book is over 350 pages of player options and expansions for old school gaming, written for OSE and BX-style games in mind. New classes, spells, a simple skill system, and more.
The Exorcist Awaits is a 3rd-5th level Dungeon Crawl Classics-compatible adventure, and the sequel to The Exodus of Wolfbane. Fight off demonic impulses as you strive to save your friends and stop the corruption of your home!
The One That Got Away is a DCC fishing adventure designed for 10 to 20 zero-level PCs or 5 to 8 first level PCs. PCs accumulate points based on their ability to survive encounters and haul in record-breaking catches.
This book is a numbered paragraph style adventure, but it incorporates a solo oracle, a simple roll to decide yes/no questions, and keywords to create persistent world.