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Matt Taylor Books


I'm Matt Taylor, the author of The Vault of Kings series. I'm a regular dude from Idaho that loves to read, watch movies/anime, play video games, fish, hike, play sports... Kind of everything to be honest! I set out to write The Vault of Kings at a time in my life when I felt pretty down about myself. I wasn't sure where my life was going. I didn't know what my talents were. I felt like I had no 'calling' in life. Through several spiritual experiences that are personal to me, I believe that I have found my calling. Whether or not I ever become successful no longer matters to me. What matters is that I am writing the story that is mine. 

I believe that I have discovered a talent that was hidden deep down within, one that I would have never guessed I had in me. I have a community in little 'old Idaho that feels the same as well, and wants me to try and share my stories with the rest of the world. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing. I think it's something pretty special. For those who are struggling with deep emotions within yourself, I'd just give this one piece of advice: Whatever you think you can't do. Do it. You might surprise yourself.  


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