bouquet is an enamel pin collection inspired by floriography, the language of flowers 🌷 each character holds flowers that represent different emotions of love and come with a small matching bow charm.
an enamel pin project for women who love women !
A collection of adorable and cuddly plushies featuring unconventional looking friends - these Patchwork Pals each have an unique personality and story and they're looking for a new loving home with YOU!
Moon Hollow Archive is an occult, 'cabinet of curiosities' themed enamel pin set! Discover a treasure that resonates with you... and only you.
An Enamel Pin Collection of Haunting Familiars & Guiding Spirits - each an extra large art piece ready to display!
Create your own miniature haunted art gallery with this collection of portraits, each housing its own ghost.
an elegant enamel pin set inspired by still life and myth 🍊
MORE hard enamel pins of pop culture dragons.
Eternal Bloom is a collection of enamel pin designs I created out of a desire to make art that reflects the temporal and eternal, bringing it together into an ethereal garden. I also just like the aesthetic of statues and flowers together...
A collection of enamel pins themed after vampires and angels.
Blood of the mighty raises the blessed Enamel pin collection
Straight out of Hell and into your hearts... Experience LILITH, Corin Howell's highly-anticipated original series with special extras available nowhere else!
Find out what writhes below the surface in Son M. and MadCursed's newest comic horror masterpiece, with special extras available nowhere else!