The ultimate Fifth Edition guide to lycanthropes (and how to hunt them) for Fifth Edition. This book is written, proofed, printed and taking pre-orders. Grab it and other great DMDave Publishing books.
Books of Battle MatsĀ® and tokens to create your own Night City. And MUCH more! Official maps for Cyberpunk RED, the roleplaying game of the Dark Future by R.Talsorian Games.
A mega-dungeon that supports a full-year campaign. A legendary adventure considered by many to be one of the greatest of all time! Explore a thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved...
The conversation continues when Mighty Super Heroes and Astonishing Super Heroes meet and become HEROIC! The official role playing game of the Zenith Comics Universe, HEROIC is a neo-clone of the classic FASERIP system from the 1980s as a more modern rpg.
The Calendar of Many Adventures 2025 is a wall calendar with 12 playable battle maps and a month per page view calendar. It also has 12 full 5E PDF adventures written for the maps! And you get a digital copy of all the maps to play online.
A 5e-compatible collection of intangible rewards for characters; including boons, pacts, titles, trainings, and more
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures, you finally get a chance to play as a monster in your 5E and Pathfinder 2e games. Add thousands of unique player and GM options to your games that you can't find anywhere else!
Can You See Them? is a tabletop roleplaying game scenario designed for the Horror RPG (Year Zero Engine), but can be played using any tabletop roleplaying game ruleset you prefer.
Viciously mock & antagonize your way around the adventuring world with this 100 card Deck of Many Insults. The must have RPG card deck! Spice up your vicious mockery, offend every NPC you meet and defeat your opponents verbally with style.
Elevate your game with dozens of stunningly detailed doors presented on acrylic standees. The perfect terrain adornments for RPG maps or board games!