New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
Set your hearts ablaze. Learn to make romance in your tabletop games accessible, fun, and easy for everyone at the table. Including 🔧mechanics,🖋️how-to essays,🎲tables, &🎨art created by leading designers in the field.
Eliminate the slog in your 5e combat, speed up play and maximize interesting, tactical choices for players and DMs.
Get lost in the distant realm of Faerie, a brutal 5e campaign setting of blood, iron and fey, inspired by the original British Faerie Folklore and medieval myth!
Punk is Dead is a TTRPG set in the Un-united Kingdom where the world is going to sh*t in a sack cart, and music is all you've got left. Just like those four brave bozos on the Titanic, you're gonna keep playing until your last amp falls into the abyss.
The tabletop roleplaying game based on the hit horror podcast The Magnus Archives.
The most successful 3rd-party non-fantasy book for 5E Dungeons & Dragons, Ultramodern5 is back with a new exclusive leather edition and SIX campaign guides/adventures.
Explore the adorable in the next adorable annual calendar! This year, featuring Catbat art and your favorite coffee roasters FoundFamiliar.
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!