A beautiful bestiary of guardian beasts and terrifying treasures for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 2E, plus treasuries, loot cards, & VTT!
Over 150 killer creatures from Greek mythology and throughout the Mediterranean for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 1E and 2E, plus an awesome adventure saga through Greek mythology and our Mediterranean Races book of character options!
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures, you finally get a chance to play as a monster in your 5E and Pathfinder 2e games. Add thousands of unique player and GM options to your games that you can't find anywhere else!
Discover the secret of the Dead Mines and prevent the return of the demon lord in this adventure for the 5th edition and Pathfinder Second Edition!
The perfect campaign to run after a TPK! If death awaits all adventurers, then the salvation of resurrection is always the hope.