#hardcover2024 | art for adults 18+ | Role-Play
The fourth book of the series. For the first time, a #hardcover collective art book has a topic: Role-Play!

Incendium | An Art book by Dominik Mayer
The first art book by Dominik, full of his personal art and client work for Wizards of the Coast and more.

OthalaM - a #hardcover solo book
For the first time, we present a #hardcover edition that is dedicated to one artist, and we couldn't be happier that it is OthalaM.

Lys - Artbook by James Martin
James Martin's second book "Lys" and a reprint of his first and sold-out book "Muse".

Black Dragon Crown | Artbook by Ruan Jia
Ruan Jia's highly detailed artworks are known around the world. Now, his universe "Black Dragon Crown" will be unleashed on collectors!

Dorian Vallejo | The Collector's Editions | Artbook
The enormous collection of works Dorian painted for buyers of "Drawings Inspired by Life", now has its own book.

Hell of a Story by Alex Konstad & Obliskura reprint
The veil between the dimensions has become thin, and the creatures from beyond are slowly finding their way to our world.

ORO - The New Artbook by Björn Hurri & Abominations Reprint
The second book of mastermind Björn Hurri. Again he invites us into his world of dark fantasy, with a chance to get his sold-out book!

milkformycoconut - Artbook by Mateja Petkovic
Known from the cover of 'Penthouse', this artist has worked successfully against the algorithms of social media, making art for adults!

BL8D - The Artbook by Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
This is Bastien Lecouffe Deharme's first artbook and with 432 pages it promises to take some serious space in your collection!

LINE & MASS - Artbook by Alberto Ruiz
The new and massive collection of over 400 pages with finished artworks, sketches, and instructions for artists on the female anatomy.

CODEX Obscurus Artbook and Tarot
CODEX Obscurus explores the topic of witches and warlocks. A book of 145 artists with a Major Arcana Tarot Deck and handmade prints.

KHAT - The Artbook by Hicham Habchi
A reflection of an urban fantastic lifestyle. A blend of reality and dreams, of uncompleted lines and unfinished shapes.

GÜRLZ - An artbook by Serge Birault
The new collection of Serge's warrior ladies, all in one big minimalistic book, up to 240 pages! Only two stretch goals left!

#hardcover3 | adult-artbook & #hardcover1 reprint
The next volume of the popular adult art collection, coming in June!

Crimson - The Art of Abigail Larson
Abigail's works collected in a beautiful high-quality book of 248 pages with an elegant slipcase.

Björn Hurri's Abominations | Artbook
The very first publication by artist Björn Hurri! Packed with his creatures and character designs, with finished works and sketches.

Alex Konstad's long-awaited masterpiece, now made especially for art book collectors!
DAYA - The Art of Daniel Landerman
350 pages of full-color art and sketches
#hardcover2 | adult-artbook
The second volume of the artbook for adults, against the rejection of erotic art in social media. 186 pages filled by over 130 artists!
James Martin's MUSE
An exploration of the female form on over 350 pages
DECADE - Sketchbook by Even Mehl Amundsen
Even Mehl Amundsen's selection of sketches made between 2009 and 2019 in a 300 page book.
Aphos - The Art of Andrew Mar
A book with artworks and sketches between Heaven and Hell, by Andrew Mar.

#hardcover adult-artbook 1
An artbook for adults, against rejection of erotic art in social media

TEGN Book 1
366 days, 366 sketches telling 366 stories, some smaller, some greater. The first part finally published in a beautiful artbook.