The Factory by Ihor Mysiak - Songs For the Shadows by Cheryl S. Ntumy - Two Immersive Stories for Our Times from Ukraine and Ghana
One day, all the wizards disappear overnight. The only magic-users left are the most bottom-of-the-barrel familiars and it's now up to them to save magic and save the world.
DEATH IN THE MOUTH: Original Horror from the Margins is an illustrated horror anthology showcasing BIPOC and other ethnically marginalized writers and artists from around the world.
Help us kick off SEASON ONE of the animated Lackadaisy! Plus, get your hands on hardcover reissues of Lackadaisy in print, and plushies, too!
When she was alive, she was a booze-soaked train wreck. But now that she's dead, Wine Ghost is all about helpin' folks out! Grab the very first Wine Ghost graphic novel here!
Failure to Launch is a light-hearted, non-fiction tour of (so far!) unrealized technological and societal advances promised in years past, but which never came to be. What could have been, but wasn't.