New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
The Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game is a campaign setting for the Essᴇɴᴄᴇ20 Rᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ, based on the Welcome to Night Vale podcast.
Take your Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game adventures to deeper, creepier, and more atmospheric places with three new supplements plus useful and immersive extras. And if you're new to the game, this is a great place to start!
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern is a collection of small games for groups of three or more players. You play a retired adventurer running a tavern and settling down in a town. Put down the sword and pick up the ladle.
A 5e-compatible collection of intangible rewards for characters; including boons, pacts, titles, trainings, and more
Punk is Dead is a TTRPG set in the Un-united Kingdom where the world is going to sh*t in a sack cart, and music is all you've got left. Just like those four brave bozos on the Titanic, you're gonna keep playing until your last amp falls into the abyss.
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures, you finally get a chance to play as a monster in your 5E and Pathfinder 2e games. Add thousands of unique player and GM options to your games that you can't find anywhere else!
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
The tabletop roleplaying game based on the hit horror podcast The Magnus Archives.
Lore Master's Deck is the ultimate creative jumpstarter for writers, game masters, and worldbuilders who want to fill their stories with rich, interconnected lore.
A tabletop roleplaying game about folk magic, urban legends, hidden highways and survival in liminal America
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!