"Operation Golden Cut" is a sci-fi horror adventure for Mothership RPG. Navigate a war-torn mining moon, steal valuable cache of gold amidst brutal corporate conflict, and survive the horrors of human greed and warfare.
A campaign framework for a forgotten haven of pirate plunder
Sentenced to hard labour, your prison transport crashes and you awaken to a living nightmare. A mysterious fungal infection ravages the penal mining colony. Will you live long enough to escape? A 48 page zine!
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
An experimental Military-grade pharmaceutical known as PK49 has leaked onto the black market. It is rumored to unlock powerful psychokinetic abilities fueling a race against the clock as street gangs and military factions fight to control the supply.
A premier deck of 50 cards featuring full color art on the front and Mothership stats on the back to be used as NPCs/PCs for all of your Mothership games!
Work for Arrow Biomed performing extrajudicial abductions of privileged addicts on their behalf of wealthy benefactors. Kick down the door and drag your target out of whatever drug den they’ve ended up in. For a hefty price, that is.
A community compendium of house rules for The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. This book defines a full methodology for solo and Wardenless play and includes house rules for everything from downtime to cybernetics.