The forge of fantasy role playing, Gary Gygax's legendary dungeon and its environs. Here begins the journey into depths never before reached.
A gigantic boxed set packed with a huge 5E adventure path!
The ultimate Fifth Edition guide to lycanthropes (and how to hunt them) for Fifth Edition. This book is written, proofed, printed and taking pre-orders. Grab it and other great DMDave Publishing books.
A mega-dungeon that supports a full-year campaign. A legendary adventure considered by many to be one of the greatest of all time! Explore a thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved...
Scions of the Dark Goddess is a modern era campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7E (seal of Chaosium). Uncover a conspiracy that adapts the cycle of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young Mythos with hot topics like bioengineering, social media and more!