Troll Lords Games, a subsidiary of Chenault & Gray Publishing, LLC, was founded in 1999 by Mac Golden, Stephen Chenault & Davis Chenault. They began publishing their own system, Swords and Sorcery in 2000, but converted all their material to Dungeons & Dragons d20 (3rd Edition) and began publishing under the d20 logo. In 2001 they became the primary publisher for Gary Gygax and continued to serve in that capacity until he passed away in 2008. In 2004 they released the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, launching a new role playing game. The Players Handbook, now entering its 10th printing, was followed by a host of titles including Monsters & Treasure, Castle Keepers Guide, Adventurers Backpack and more.
Troll Lord Games branched out into other role playing games such as Amazing Adventures, Victorious and Harvesters. They released some board games, fiction, and ran The Crusader Journal from 2004-2014, picking it back up in 2024. In recent years a line of fiction set in the world of Aihrde has joined the product line.
The company is run by Stephen Chenault (CEO). Davis Chenault, Stephen's older brother, serves as lead writer. Peter Bradley is the Art Director. Staff writers and game development are Jason Vey, Stephen Chenault, and Jeremy Farkas. Chares Cumbow serves as Director of Community Outreach, Grace Carras is the Social Media Manager, Finley J. E. Clayton is the Chief Editor, and staff artists include Jason Walton, Mel Henning, and Zoe Devos. Monica Haught manages all web content, with Scot Lincicome managing the TLG server and VTT platforms.
Troll Lord Games was founded in Vinos Pizza in Little Rock Arkansas in 1999 by Mac Golden, Stephen Chenault, and Davis Chenault. They met there twice in May of that year, where they decided to found the company Troll Lord Games. The company name originated from the primary villain from Steve and Mac's long running "Big Game" that started in 1985 and concluded in 2006. The Troll Lord was the evil wizard behind the latter story arcs. Mac Golden designed the original logo for Troll Lord Games and filed all the necessary paperwork, and served as CEO from 1999-2003, when Stephen Chenault took over. Due to his full time job as an anthropologist, Davis Chenault served as a writer for the company. Stephen Chenault served as a writer and assistant in running the company. Mac Golden is still very much involved in TLG design and philosoph
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