Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
Shadowfalls has long been under the sway of the vile chronolich Hazlewud. Now, your party has set out to end the undead wizard's reign of terror for all time, across all time. A DCC RPG adventure for 4-6 PCs of level 3-4. Designed by Bob Brinkman.
Warlock Knight is a programmed solo adventure for The Fantasy Trip for 32–34-pt characters. Battle strange monsters in the wild, explore labyrinths, face danger on the high seas, and meet brave companion in the always-dangerous Warlock Kingdoms of Sedra.
Sword & Sorcery magazine featuring short fiction, non-fiction, and gorgeous art. Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Luxurious hardcover, classic softcover, and accessible digital formats.
Two hardcover expansion annuals, a hero & villain card accessory deck, and a fiction anthology that explores the setting and characters of the Absolute Power superhero tabletop RPG
Three new bestiary volumes for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG! Terrible slithering things, creepy-crawlies with their skeleton on the outside, or no skeleton at all, and a selection of awful green things. Three books filled with Nightmare Fuel!
Stories of the Free Lands is the first expansion for Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game. Stories from ten Indigenous authors and ten artists fully compatible with the RPG. You'll also be able to get our new dice game, Naasii, and our Story Guide Screen!