2 months ago

Project Update: A Quick December Update (for Distal) ❄

December Update (Rockwyrm Matron art by: Graey Erb)


Heya! I was originally planning to get the digital version of the game out here in December, but that will be landing here in January, instead. On the digital side, the game is basically done. There are some loose ends to wrap up, mostly pruning for grammar, but nothing too crazy. The real holdup to getting this thing out the door, however, is that I pulled the trigger on getting some new cover art really late in the process.

I wasn't originally convinced it was something I wanted to do, but as I got toward the end of the process, I felt like I wanted a stronger visual connection to the experiences you'll have from session to session. The idea is that, on the front cover, an adventuring party is leaving the safety of home, having gathered the supplies they'll need for the trip ahead. For the back cover, that same adventuring party has found some trouble.

Remember that the hardcover for Distal is basically split into two distinct halves.
  • The first half, is dedicated to prep -- basically everything you do before or between sessions. This is where you find character creation, generators to build adventures, lore for the game, and so on.
  • Flip the book over, and you're on the half dedicated to play. This is where you immediately get into core rules, charts, quick-reference information, as well as monsters, just to balance things out.
I wanted the two sides to be identifiable in their function, and tell that short story of this specific party, as they set out into the world.

Like much of the art in the book, Graey Erb is taking a swing at the cover as well. Here are some of the earliest drafts, though we're already a bit past this stage now.
Front cover and back cover drafts for Distal.

The next time you see this art will likely be in full-form, alongside the digital release .pdf!


Unfortunately, I've fallen a bit behind on the digests. I'm working toward getting a combined November/December digest out for this month. The original hope was to be coupled with the digital release of the book, so the information explicitly references what's within it, but we'll need to punt on that until January.


Most folks already have their surveys completed and paid for hardcover shipping, but there are a handful of stragglers out there who haven't (and whom I can't seem to contact via email.) Payments will be locked down just before the digital release heads out, in January, about a week prior.

Thanks, folks!




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