we hit $6k today which is so awesome and that means the Rites of Exorcism zine is getting expanded! I initially said the zine would be four games, it is now (at least) six, though everrytime I go to mess with it, I feel a little demonic tickle of inspiration and want to make more, so it might end up being eight. I won't make that a separate goal though, suffice to say I will make that zine a good one and on par with the others :)
There's one week left on the campaign and we've passed all my expectations, I'm really pleased and appreciate your support!
Next week as we close up, I'll detail the next steps ie the pledge manager, handling your shipping and add-ons and stuff. as mentioned elsewhere, you'll be able to make bundles of zines if you want 2-3 games and not all five, or if you just want one zine that isn't blood lock, or you want a deck of cards, or whatever other combination isn't available with the current pledge levels.
Until then, as promised, here is another 36-word microgame that will be inside Rites! Layout is wip/not final but enjoy Soul Circle: