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Blood Lock - Deck
$3022 purchaseda deck of 54 poker cards with the prompts from Blood Lock zine right on there for playing on the go/immersion/deck collecting. Ships separately and later than the zines, this price includes that extra shipping!EditIncludes 1 item
×1Blood Lock Deck
Blood Lock Zine
$150 purchasedVampire/thrall/hunter/victim in a standoff where only one can win. Descended from the queen.EditIncludes 1 item
×1Blood Lock
The Rites Of Exorcism Zine
$6.660 purchasedA collection of possession and exorcism microgames, 36 words each.EditIncludes 1 item
×1The Rites Of Exorcism
Michigan Dogman
$150 purchasedCryptid hunting game Michigan Dogman in print for the first time with expanded layout and additional multiplayer rulesEditIncludes 1 item
×1Michigan Dogman
Mystery Zine
$150 purchaseda horror tabletop rpg to be revealed later! Do you trust me?EditIncludes 1 item
×1(Mystery Zine TBA)
Letters from the Liberty Motel
$150 purchasedA solo letter-writing game of a house keeper in an infinite surreal motel inspired by The Shining. Long out-of-print and presented here with remastered and expanded layout.EditIncludes 1 item
×1Letters from the Liberty Motel